Nr |
Sanskrit Name |
Name |
Deutung (von mir ins deutsche
übersetzt, ab 236 englisch) |
1 |
विश्वम् |
Vishvam |
Gott, als das Universum selbst, das All, alles
im Universum existiert durch ihn. |
2 |
विष्णु |
Vishnu |
Gott, als der Alldurchdringende, der alles
umfasst und in allem ist. |
3 |
वषट्कार |
Vashatkara |
Gott, der für Opfergaben angerufen wird, für den
die heiligen Verse in den Yajnas (Verehrung, Hingabe, Gebeten)
rezitiert werden. |
4 |
भूतभव्यभवत्प्रभुः |
Bhootabhavya-bhavat-prabhuh |
Gott, der Meister von Allem in der
Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft und darüber hinaus. |
5 |
भूतकृत |
Bhoota-krit |
Gott, der Schöpfer aller geschaffenen Wesen. |
6 |
भूतभृत |
Bhoota-bhrit |
Gott, der alle Wesen nährt, erhält und stützt. |
7 |
भाव |
Bhava |
Gott, das absolute Sein, die reine Existenz, der
unabhängig von allem ist. |
8 |
भूतात्मा |
Bhootatma |
Gott, als die Seele von jedem Wesen im
Universum, die Seele aller Dinge, die Essenz aller Wesen. |
9 |
भूतभावन |
Bhootabhavana |
Gott, der jedes Wesen im Universum erschafft,
nährt, pflegt und gedeihen lässt. |
10 |
पूतात्मा |
Pootatma |
Gott, in seiner absolut reinen Essenz, in seiner
reinen Natur. |
11 |
परमात्मा |
Paramatma |
Gott, als die Überseele, die höchste Seele, das
allerhöchste Wesen. |
12 |
मुक्तानां परमागतिः |
Muktanam Parama Gatih |
Gott, das höchste Ziel für alle befreiten und
erlösten Seelen (Muktas). Parama Gatih ist das höchste erreichbare
Ziel, absolute Wunschlosigkeit und Glückseligkeit, eins sein mit dem
Bhagavan. |
13 |
अव्ययः |
Avyayah |
Gott, der Unvergängliche, der Unzerstörbare, der
immer derselbe ist. |
14 |
पुरुषः |
Purushah |
Gott, der in jedem Körper ist und weilt. |
15 |
साक्षी |
Sakshi |
Gott, als der Zeuge von allem, was geschieht.
Gott, der alles direkt bezeugt, so wie es ist. |
16 |
क्षेत्रज्ञः |
Kshetragyah |
Gott, der Allwissende, der Kenner der Felder. |
17 |
अक्षर |
Akshara |
Gott, der Immerwährende, dessen Großartigkeit
immer bleibt. |
18 |
योगः |
Yogah |
Gott, der durch Yoga (Wiederanbindung)
verwirklicht wird. Gott, der das einzige Mittel zur Befreiung ist und
der durch Meditation oder Yoga erreicht wird. |
19 |
योगविदां नेता |
Yoga-vidaam Neta |
Gott, als der Führer oder Meister von allen, die
im Bewusstsein von Yoga sind, die Yoga oder Meditation praktizieren,
bis sie ihr Ziel erreicht haben. |
20 |
प्रधानपुरुषेश्वर |
Pradhana-Purusheshwara |
Gott, als der Herr der Natur und der Wesen, der
Meister von Pradhana oder Prakriti und Purusha oder Jiva. |
21 |
नारसिंहवपुः |
Narasimha Vapuh |
Gott, in der Gestalt eines Mischwesens
Mensch-Löwe (Nara-Mensch, Simha-Löwe). |
22 |
श्रीमान् |
Shriman |
Gott, in einer lieblichen Form. Gott, an dessen
Seite immer die Göttin Sri (Lakshmi) weilt - die Göttin des Glücks, der
Schönheit, des Reichtums, der Liebe, der Fruchtbarkeit, des
Wohlstandes, der Gesundheit, dem geistigen Wohlbefinden, der Harmonie
und der Fülle. |
23 |
केशव |
Keshava |
Gott, der wunderschönes lockiges Haar hat. |
24 |
पुरुषोत्तम |
Purushottama |
Gott, der höchste Kontrollierende, der Höchste
unter den Purushas. |
25 |
सर्व |
Sarwa |
Gott, der Alles ist, die allwissende Quelle
jeder Existenz. |
26 |
शर्व |
Sharva |
Gott, der Zerstörer, der alles vernichtet, der
alle Sünden beseitigt. Sharva ist ein Name von Rudra oder Shiva. |
27 |
शिव |
Shiva |
Gott, der ewiglich Reine, der Glück gewährt. |
28 |
स्थाणु |
Sthanu |
Gott, als der ruhende, unbewegliche, der
beständig und ohne Veränderung ist. |
29 |
भूतादि |
Bhootadi |
Gott, aus dem sich alle Wesen entwickelt und
entfaltet haben. Die Quelle aller Elemente und aller existieren Dinge. |
30 |
निधिरव्यय |
Nidhir-avyaya |
Gott, das unvergängliche, immerwährende Wesen,
als das unerschöpfbare und unveränderbare Sein. |
31 |
सम्भव |
Sambhava |
Gott, die Urquelle allen Seins. Gott, der sich
durch seinen Willen aus sich selbst heraus manifestiert und in zahllose
Formen erweitert. |
32 |
भावन |
Bhavana |
Gott, der der allen Jivas (individuelle Seelen)
die Früchte ihrer Handlungen bringt, der die Reaktionen für alle
Aktionen erwirkt, der das Karma (= freier Wille + Vorherbestimmung)
erfüllt. |
33 |
भर्ता |
Bharta |
Gott, als der Herrscher der gesamten lebendigen
Welt. Gott, als der Unterstützer, der Urgrund und Unterstützer des
Universums. |
34 |
प्रभव |
Prabhava |
Gott, in dem alle Dinge ihren Ursprung haben,
aus dem alle Elemente hervorgehen. Gott mit seiner edlen Natur, die
alles gebiert. |
35 |
प्रभु |
Prabhu |
Gott, der Allmächtige. Gott, der ein Könner in
allen Riten ist. |
36 |
ईश्वर |
Ishwara |
Gott, der mächtigste und höchste Herr, Gebieter
und Meister über allen Wesen. Gott der unbegrenzte Großzügigkeit oder
Macht über alles hat. |
37 |
स्वयम्भू |
Swayambhu |
Gott, der ohne Ursache ist, der sich aus sich
selbst manifestiert und mit seinem eigenen freien Willen existiert. |
38 |
शम्भु |
Shambhu |
Gott, der Heilbringende. Gott, der durch die
Schönheit seiner Erscheinung bei allen Glück hervorruft. |
39 |
आदित्य |
Aditya |
Gott, in seiner kosmischen Manifestation als die
Sonne. Name des Sonnengottes Surya, als Sohn der Aditi. |
40 |
पुष्कराक्ष |
Pushkaraksha |
Gott, der lotusgleiche Augen hat, dessen Augen
den Blütenblättern der Lotuspflanze ähneln. |
41 |
महास्वन |
Mahaswana |
Gott, mit einer donnernden Stimme, mit
ehrwürdigem Klang. Gott, von dem die Klangmanifestation des Veda kommt. |
42 |
अनादिनिधन |
Anadi-nidhana |
Gott, der ohne Anfang und Ende ist, der ohne
Geburt und Tod ist. |
43 |
धाता |
Dhata |
Gott, der das Universum erschaffen hat und alle
Erfahrungsfelder, Erfahrungsebenen unterstützt. |
44 |
विधाता |
Vidhata |
Gott, als der Schöpfer von Karma, das alle
Aktionen (freier Wille) und deren Reaktionen (Vorherbestimmung)
bestimmt (Gottes Gesetz). Gott, der die Saat, die er für Brahman gesät
hat schützt, bis sie voll entwickelt ist. |
45 |
धातुरुत्तम |
Dhaturuttama |
Gott, der größer als der Weltenschöpfer Brahma
ist. Brahma ist das auf einem Lotus ersteingeborene Wesen in jedem
Universum. Gott, der das elementarste aller grundlegenden Bestandteile
von allem ist. |
46 |
अप्रमेय |
Aprameya |
Gott, der über den Gesetzen, Regeln und
Definitionen steht. Gott, der nicht über Logik, Gefühl oder Wahrnehmung
erklärt, begriffen oder definiert werden kann. |
47 |
हृषीकेश |
Hrishikesha |
Gott, der Herr über die Sinne, der Herr der
Sinnesorgane, der die Sinne unter Kontrolle hat. |
48 |
पद्मनाभ |
Padmanabha |
Gott, der als Erweiterung Vishnus auf dem Ozean
der Ursachen im Universum ruht und aus dessen Nabel eine Lotusblume
wächst, aus dem sich die Schöpfung entwickelt. |
49 |
अमरप्रभु |
Amara Prabhu |
Gott, der Herr der unsterblichen göttlichen
Wesen, die keinen Tod kennen, z.B. die Devas.. |
50 |
विश्वकर्मा |
Vishwa-Karma |
Gott, als Schöpfer des Universums, als Ursache
hinter jedem Geschehen. Gott, dessen Schöpferkraft einzigartig und
wundervoll ist. |
51 |
मनु |
Manu |
Gott, der große Denker, der alles bedenkt und um
alles besorgt ist. Gott als Stammvater, Urvater der Menschen, der
Menschheit in einem Manu-Zeitalter. |
52 |
त्वष्टा |
Twashta |
Gott, der große Dinge klein macht oder der
Großes unbedeutend erscheinen lässt. Gott, der alle Formen und Namen im
Universum erschaffen hat. Gott, der zur Zeit der kosmischen Auflösung
alle Lebensformen zusammenzieht. |
53 |
स्थविष्ठ |
Sthavishtha |
Gott, der alles an Größe übertrifft. Gott, der
den höchsten Extremwert von allem Existierenden übertrifft. |
54 |
स्थविरो ध्रुव |
Sthaviro-Dhruva |
Gott, als der Ursprüngliche und Immerwährende,
der Ewigkeit (jenseits von Raum und Zeit) ist. |
55 |
अग्राह्य |
Agrahya |
Gott, der mit den Sinnen nicht wahrnehmbar ist.
Gott, der jenseits der Auffassungsgabe und dem Wissen von anderen Wesen
liegt. |
56 |
शाश्वत |
Sashwata |
Gott, der ewig ist, der immer derselbe bleibt,
der in allen Zeiten und jenseits davon existiert. |
57 |
कृष्ण |
Krishna |
Gott, der Höchste, in seiner Form mit dunkler
(blauer) Hautfarbe. Die Körpertönung ist vergleichbar mit einer
frischen Gewitterwolke. Gott in der Existenz von Wissen und
Glückseeligkeit. |
58 |
लोहिताक्ष |
Lohitaksha |
Gott, mit rot getönten Augen ähnlich wie bei
einer schönen Lotusblume. |
59 |
प्रतर्दन |
Pratardana |
Gott, in seiner Form als der Vernichter in der
Flut. Der Zerstörer von allem, zum Zeitpunkt der Auflösung des
Universums. |
60 |
प्रभूत |
Prabhoota |
Gott, der voller Reichtum, Größe, Wissen,
Weisheit und Erkenntnis ist, überfließend und mit allen besonderen
Qualitäten. |
61 |
त्रिककुब्धाम |
Trika-Kubdhama |
Gott, der sich in allen drei Raumdimensionen, in
allen Richtungen über alles ausdehnt. Gott, der alle drei Ebenen
unterstützt: Oben, Unten und die Mitte. |
62 |
पवित्रं |
Pavitram |
Gott, der die Reinheit im Herzen schenkt, die
Inkarnation der Reinheit, der alles reinigt. |
63 |
मङ्गलंपरम् |
Mangalam-Param |
Gott, als die Verkörperung vom höchsten Glück,
der Glücksverheißende, die höchste Glückseligkeit. |
64 |
ईशान |
Ishana |
Gott, der über alles regiert und herrscht, der
alles kontrolliert und reguliert. |
65 |
प्राणद |
Pranada |
Gott, der Verleiher oder Aktivator des
Lebensatems (Prana), der das Leben schenkt. |
66 |
प्राण |
Prana |
Gott, als der beseelende Lebensatem (Prana),
Lebenshauch, als die Lebenskraft oder Lebensenergie. |
67 |
ज्येष्ठ |
Jyeshtha |
Gott, als der Älteste, Erste, Beste, Größte. |
68 |
श्रेष्ठ |
Shreshtha |
Gott, der besser als alle anderen ist, der den
meisten Lobpreis verdient. |
69 |
प्रजापति |
Prajapati |
Gott, der Herr der Geschöpfe, Herr aller
lebenden Wesen. |
70 |
हिरण्यगर्भ |
Hiranyagarbha |
Gott, der in einem goldenen Ei bzw. Schoß wohnt,
welches das Universum ist. Gott, der eine liebevolle Herberge ist.
Gott, der dem Schöpfergott Brahma beseelt. |
71 |
भूगर्भ |
Bhoogarbha |
Gott, der die Erde, Erdregion bzw. die Welt in
sich trägt. Gott, der sich in der Erde widerspiegelt. |
72 |
माधव |
Madhava |
Gott Vishnu als der Gemahl von Lakshmi, Ma oder
Mahalaksmi, als der Verkünder des Wissens über das höchste Wesen, der
Kenner der süßen, lieblichen Weißheiten. |
73 |
मधुसूदन |
Madhusudana |
Gott, als Zerstörer des bösen Dämonen Madhu.
Gott der alles süß und weise in Ordnung bringt. |
74 |
ईश्वर |
Ishwara |
Gott, der Herr mit den besten Eigenschaften. Die
höchste Person Gottes, der Allmächtige, der Kontrollierende, der Regent. |
75 |
विक्रमी |
Vikrami |
Gott, der Tapferkeit und Heldenmut hat, der
mutigste und mächtigste. |
76 |
धन्वी |
Dhanvi |
Gott, als der beste Bogenschütze. |
77 |
मेधावी |
Medhavi |
Gott, als die höchste Intelligenz, mit dem
größten Gedächtnis. |
78 |
विक्रम |
Vikrama |
Gott, der den Schritt über die Welten gemacht
hat, der Samsara überwindet und transzendiert. Gott, der auf dem König
der Vögel reitet, dem Garuda. |
79 |
क्रम |
Krama |
Gott, der sich überall ausgebreitet hat, der
vorangeschritten ist. Gott, der die Grundlage der Ordnung des
Universums ist, der die Ursache von Kramana ist - dem Überschreiten des
Ozeans der menschlichen Existenz (Samsara). |
80 |
अनुत्तम |
Anuttama |
Gott, der keinen besseren als sich selbst hat.
Es gibt keinen größeren als ihn. |
81 |
दुराधर्ष |
Duradharsha |
Gott, der nicht erfolgreich angegriffen oder
überwältigt werden kann, dem keiner von sich aus nahe kommen kann, den
kein gottabgewandtes Wesen (Asura) überwinden kann. |
82 |
कृतज्ञ |
Kritagya |
Gott, der das gute und böse von allen Wesen
kennt. Gott, der dankbar ist und selbst die einfachsten Gaben (Blätter,
Blumen, Früchte und Wasser) annimmt, die ihm dargeboten werden. |
83 |
कृति |
Kriti |
Gott, der alle unsere Aktionen ausgleicht,
belohnt oder vergeltet. Kriti bedeutet: Alles, was durch menschliche
Bestrebungen und Taten erreicht wird. |
84 |
आत्मवान् |
Atmavan |
Gott, als das Selbst in allen Wesen, der wahre
Herrscher und Besitzer der Seelen, der virtuose Handlungen vollbringt,
der in sich selbst verankert ist, der alles aus sich selbst
hervorbringt und keine Unterstützung benötigt. |
85 |
सुरेश |
Suresha |
Gott, der Herr der Götter und Lichtwesen (Devas
und Suras), der größte unter den guten Wesen. |
86 |
शरणम |
Sharanam |
Gott, der Zufluchtsort, der die Geplagten von
ihren Sorgen, Nöten und Leiden befreit. |
87 |
शर्म |
Sharma |
Gott, dessen Natur unbegrenzte Glückseligkeit,
Freude, Frieden, Behaglichkeit, Wonne, Vergnügen und Wohlbefinden ist. |
88 |
विश्वरेता |
Vishwareta |
Gott, als der Same des Universums, die Saat des
Universums. |
89 |
प्रजाभव |
Prajhabhava |
Gott, als die Ursache für das Dasein aller
Wesen, von dem alle Lebensformen abstammen.. |
90 |
अह |
Aha |
Gott, der leuchtend Helle, der so hell leuchtet
wie der Tag, der alle die sich ihm hingeben aus der Unwissenheit
erweckt. |
91 |
सम्वत्सर |
Samvatsara |
Gott, als Personifizierung der Zeit eines Jahres. |
92 |
व्याल |
Vyala |
Gott, der nicht greifbar ist und nicht gefangen
werden kann, ähnlich wie eine tückische große Schlange nicht gefangen
werden kann. |
93 |
प्रत्यय |
Pratyaya |
Gott, als die Personifizierung des Wissens
(Vorstellung, Erfahrung, Erkenntnis, Überzeugung, Meinung, Glaube,
Gewissheit). |
94 |
सर्वदर्शन |
Sarvadarshana |
Gott, der Allsehende, dessen Augen überall sind,
der alles sieht und alles weiß. |
95 |
अज |
Aja |
Gott, der Ungeborene. |
96 |
सर्वेश्वर |
Sarveshwara |
Gott, der höchste Herr, der Herr über alle
Herrscher, der Gott von Allem. |
97 |
सिद्ध |
Siddha |
Gott, der immer und überall ist, der vollkommen
und ewig ist, der das höchste Ziel erreicht hat, der immer in seiner
eigenen Natur verankert ist. |
98 |
सिद्धि |
Siddhi |
Gott, der das Bewusstsein in allem ist, der das
gewünschte Ergebnis von allem ist, die höchste Erfüllung, die
Vollendung, das höchste Ziel. |
99 |
सर्वादि |
Sarvadi |
Gott, der der ursprüngliche Grund von allem ist,
die Ursache aller Ursachen. |
100 |
अच्युत |
Achyuta |
Gott, der Unwandelbare, der seine innewohnende
Natur und seine Kräfte niemals verliert, der ohne Fehler ist. Ein Name
der Persönlichkeit Gottes. |
101 |
वृषाकपि |
Vrishakapi |
Gott, als Personifizierung des Gesetzes (Dharma)
und Varaha (ein Vishnu Avatar in Gestalt eines Ebers). |
102 |
अमेयात्मा |
Ameyatma |
Gott, der Unermessbare, der nicht ermessen,
verstanden oder bestimmt werden kann. |
103 |
सर्वयोगविनिःसृत |
Sarva Yogavinih Srita |
Gott, auf den alle Yoga-Wege hinauslaufen. Gott,
der ohne Anhaftung ist, der losgelöst ist von allen Bindungen. |
104 |
वसु |
Vasu |
Gott, in dem alle Wesen leben/wohnen und der in
jedem Wesen lebt/wohnt. |
105 |
वसुमना |
Vasumana |
Gott, der ein gutes Herz hat. Gott, der
wohlhabend, reich und großartig ist, der frei von Anhaftungen, Ärger
oder anderen bösen Qualitäten ist. |
106 |
सत्य |
Satya |
Gott, der die Wahrheit ist, dessen Natur
Wahrheit ist. |
107 |
समात्मा |
Samatma |
Gott, der gleich (Sama) in jedem wahren Selbst
(Atma) aller Wesen ist, der derselbe in allem ist, ohne
Voreingenommenheit und Ärger. |
108 |
सम्मित |
Sammita |
Gott, der unbegrenzt in allem ist, der alles
gleich bemisst. Der Name Sammita steht in Verbindung mit dem vorherigen
(Samatma). Es gibt den Weg Samātmā + Sammitah und den Weg Samātmā +
Asammitah. |
109 |
सम |
Sama |
Gott, der immer der gleiche ist, der
Unveränderliche. Gott, der immer gelassen ist. |
110 |
अमोघ |
Amogha |
Gott, der Unfehlbare. Amogha bedeutet z.B.
zielsicher, ergiebig, fruchtbar, wirksam, radikal. Gott, dessen
Verehrung niemals vergeblich ist, die immer reichlich Früchte trägt. |
111 |
पुण्डरीकाक्ष |
Pundarikaksha |
Gott, der Lotusäugige, dessen Augen so schön
sind wie die Blütenblätter der Lotusblume. Gott, der immer erfüllend
ist, der z.B. innen realisiert ist, im Lotus des Herzens. |
112 |
वृषकर्मा |
Vrishakarma |
Gott, der Rechtschaffende, der die rechten Taten
vollbringt. |
113 |
वृषाकृति |
Vrishakriti |
Gott, der die göttliche Ordnung erhält, der
Gesetz, Recht und Sitte erhält. Vrishakriti bedeutet auch der
stierköpfige. |
114 |
रुद्र |
Rudra |
Gott, der der Rufende, der Schreckliche, der
Furchterregende. Rudra bedeutet heulend, brüllend, brausend. Gott, der
Traurigkeit und deren Ursachen vertreibt. Gott, der alle Wesen zum
schreien bringt im Moment der kosmischen Auflösung. |
115 |
बहुशिरा |
Bahushira |
Gott, der eine Vielzahl von Köpfen hat. |
116 |
बभ्रु |
Babhru |
Gott, der König, der die Welt regiert, der die
Welten trägt. Babhru bedeutet auch rotbraun, braun, rotbraune Haare
habend, kahlköpfig, eine rotbraune Kuh, Kleefarn. |
117 |
विश्वयोनि |
Vishwayoni |
Gott, die Quelle oder der Schöpfer des
Universums, die Ursache der Welt. |
118 |
शुचिश्रवा |
Suchishrava |
Gott, der wunderschöne, heilige Namen hat. Gott,
der reinen Worten Gehör schenkt. Gott, dessen Namen sehr heilig sind
und im Herzen reinigend wirken, wenn man sie hört. |
119 |
अमृत |
Amrita |
Gott, der Unsterbliche, der Unvergängliche, der
göttliche Nektar, der Blütensaft. Amrita ist die Verneinung von Mrita,
das gestorben, verstorben, tot bedeutet. |
120 |
शाश्वतस्थाणु |
Shashwata Sthanu |
Gott, der in Ewigkeit ruht, jenseits von Raum
und Zeit. Shaswata bedeutet immer und ewig. Sthanu bedeutet dauerhaft,
fest, bewegungslos, unbeweglich. |
121 |
वरारोह |
Vararoha |
Gott, das prachtvollste und höchste Ziel, das
erreicht werden kann. Gott, dessen Schoß höchste Segnungen gibt.
Vararoha bedeutet auch Hüften, Seiten, attraktive oder elegante Frau,
Befestigung, Fassung, Halterung, das Reiten, der Reiter. |
122 |
महातपा |
Mahatapa |
Gott, der Allwissende, der unbegrenztes Wissen
hat. Gott, der größte Entsagende. (maha bedeutet groß, ta-pa waren die
ersten Silben, die der Weltenschöpfer Brahma auf dem Lotus hörte, sie
bedeuten Entsagung.) Entsagung bringt das große Schöpferpotential. |
123 |
सर्वग |
Sarvaga |
Gott, der Alldurchdringende, der alles erfüllt,
der alles ausfüllt. Gott in seiner Allpräsenz. |
124 |
सर्वविद्भानु |
Sarvavidbhanu |
Gott, dass allwissende und erleuchtete höchste
Wesen. |
125 |
विश्वक्सेन |
Vishvaksena |
Gott, dessen Herrschaft und Macht überall sind.
Gott, der Begleiter und Wächter, der seine schützenden Armeen in alle
Richtungen entsendet. |
126 |
जनार्दन |
Janardana |
Gott, der gegen die bösen Menschen agiert und
sie stört, der ihnen Leiden bringt. |
127 |
वेद |
Veda |
Gott, der das wahre Wissen ist. Gott, in der
Form des Veda. |
128 |
वेदविद |
Vedavida |
Gott, als der Kenner der Veden, der das wahre
Wissen und dessen Deutung kennt. |
129 |
अव्यङ्ग |
Avyanga |
Gott, der Ungeteilte, der Vollkommene, der
Perfekte, der ohne Mängel ist, der selbsterfüllt von Wissen und anderen
großartigen Eigenschaften ist. |
130 |
वेदाङ्ग |
Vedanga |
Gott, dessen Glieder, Organe oder Äste die Veden
sind. Vedanga bedeutet auch Ergänzungs- oder Hilfsbücher der Veden. |
131 |
वेदवित् |
Vedavit |
Gott, der die Veden sieht, sie betrachtet, über
sie kontempliert und vertraut mit ihnen ist. |
132 |
कवि |
Kavi |
Gott, der alles sieht, wahrnimmt, weiß und die
Einsicht hat. Gott, der intelligent, empfindsam, weise und erleuchtet
ist. |
133 |
लोकाध्यक्ष |
Lokadhyaksha |
Gott, der Herr der Welten, der Zeuge aller
Welten. Gott, der himmlischen, lichtvollen, leichten Welten. |
134 |
सुराध्यक्ष |
Suradhyaksha |
Gott, der Herr der göttlichen Lichtwesen und
schützenden Gottheiten (Suras und Devas). |
135 |
धर्माध्यक्ष |
Dharmadhyaksha |
Gott, der lichtvolle, himmlische Hüter der
göttlichen Ordnung, Gesetze und der Gerechtigkeit. Gott, der die Werte
und Verdienste aller Wesen direkt sieht und ihnen dafür den Ausgleich
bringt. |
136 |
कृताकृत |
KritaKrita |
Gott, als die Ursache und das Resultat von allem
in der Schöpfung. Kritakrita bedeutet ungeteilt, losgelöst, alles ist
gleich gültig, sowohl als auch. |
137 |
चतुरात्मा |
Chaturatma |
Gott, dessen Selbst sich vierfach manifestiert,
mit vier Gesichtern, der vierköpfige Brahma, von dem die Schöpfung im
Universum ausgeht. Chatur bedeutet vier. |
138 |
चतुर्व्यूह |
Chaturvyuha |
Gott, mit vier Erscheinungsformen, der eine
vierfache Manifestation annimmt. |
139 |
चतुर्दंष्ट्र |
Chaturdamshtra |
Gott, in seiner Form mit vier Zähnen.
Chaturdamshtra bedeutet Raubtier mit 4 Fangzähnen oder Stoßzähnen. |
140 |
चतुर्भुज |
Chaturbhuja |
Gott, in seiner vierarmigen Form. |
141 |
भ्राजिष्णु |
Bhrajishnu |
Gott, der hell strahlend, glänzend, leuchtend
ist. |
142 |
भोजनं |
Bhojanam |
Gott, als der Genießer. Bhojanam bedeutet
Mahlzeit bzw. Essen. Prakriti (Ur-Natur, Ur-Materie) oder Maya
(Illusion, Anhaftung an die vergänglichen Schöpfungen) werden auch als
Bhojanam bezeichnet. |
143 |
भोक्ता |
Bhokta |
Gott, als der Genießer, der die Erfahrungen von
allem genießt, jedoch ohne davon berührt zu sein. |
144 |
सहिष्णु |
Sahishnu |
Gott, der Vergebende, Geduldige, Nachsichtige,
Tolerante. |
145 |
जगदादिज |
Jagadadija |
Gott, der Erstgeborene der Welt, der sich beim
Beginn der Schöpfung als Hiranyagarbha (goldenes kosmisches Ei,
Universum) manifestiert. |
146 |
अनघ |
Anagha |
Gott, der frei von Sünde ist, der unschuldig
ist, der ohne Fehler ist. |
147 |
विजय |
Vijaya |
Gott, der Siegreiche, der Erfolgreiche, der
durch seine besondere Güte und Exzellenz die Meisterschaft über alles
erlangt hat. |
148 |
जेता |
Jeta |
Gott, der Gewinner, der immer erfolgreich ist,
der natürlicherweise siegreich ist. |
149 |
विश्वयोनि |
Vishwayoni |
Gott, der Ursprung des Universums, die
universale Quelle, der Schöpfer des Universums. |
150 |
पुनर्वसु |
Punarvasu |
Gott, der als Urseele wieder und wieder die
Körper aller seiner Schöpfungen bewohnt. Gott, der Anfang von Fülle und
Reichtum. |
151 |
उपेन्द्र |
Upendra |
Gott, der als der jüngere Bruder von Indra
erschien, um ihm zu helfen. |
152 |
वामन |
Vamana |
Gott, in der Form eines Zwerges, in einem
Zwergenkörper. |
153 |
प्रांशु |
Pramshu |
Gott, der Große. Gott, in Form eines großen,
hohen, starken, langen Körpers. |
154 |
अमोघ |
Amogha |
Gott, dessen Handlungen einen höheren Zweck
erfüllen und einem größeren Ziel dienen. |
155 |
शुचि |
Suchi |
Gott, der weiße, makellose, reine und saubere.
Gott, der alle rein macht, die ihn anbeten, verehren, loben, preisen
und lieben. |
156 |
उर्जित |
Urjita |
Gott, der unendlich Starke, der Mächtige, der
Kräftige. |
157 |
अतीन्द्र |
Ateendra |
Gott, der über Indra steht, der größer als Indra
ist. |
158 |
संग्रह |
Sangraha |
Gott, der alles zusammen hält, der alles fasst,
der in einer subtilen Form hinter den Schöpfungen steht. |
159 |
सर्ग |
Sarga |
Gott, der Ursprung, der Schöpfer, der die Welt
und sich selbst aus sich heraus geschaffen hat. |
160 |
धृतात्मा |
Dhritatma |
Gott, der Ruhepol, der Feststehende, der
Verwurzelte. Gott, der im Gleichgewicht ist und unbeeinflusst von
Veränderungen ist. |
161 |
नियम |
Niyama |
Gott, die alles bestimmende Autorität, der
Lenker von allem, der über seine Geschöpfe bestimmt. |
162 |
यम |
Yama |
Gott, der Lenker, der reguliert. Yama bedeutet
Zügel, Lenker, Hemmung, Unterdrückung, Selbstbezwingung, Enthaltung,
Selbstbeherrschung, ethische Regeln, Verhaltenskodex. |
163 |
वेद्य |
Vedya |
Gott, der Gegenstand des Wissens und der
Erkenntnis, der erkannt werden kann. |
164 |
वैद्य |
Vaidya |
Gott, der Wissende, der alle Erkenntnis hat, der
alle Wissenszweige kennt. |
165 |
सदायोगी |
Sadayogi |
Gott, der immerwährende Yogi, der immer im Yoga
ist. |
166 |
वीरहा |
Veeraha |
Gott, der die bösen Wesen und Dämonen tötet.
Damit befreit er diese Wesen aus ihrer Rolle, verhindert größeren
Schaden und stellt das göttliche Gleichgewicht wieder her. |
167 |
माधव |
Madhava |
Gott, als der Vermittler und Meister des Wissens
über das höchste Wesen. Gott Vishnu als der Gemahl von Lakshmi oder Ma.
168 |
मधु |
Madhu |
Gott, der angenehm, wohltuend und süß wie Honig
ist, der Freude und Wonne bringt. |
169 |
अतीन्द्रिय |
Atindriya |
Gott, der Übersinnliche, der über den Sinnen
steht, der nicht mit den Sinnesorganen erfasst werden kann. Gott, als
die Seele. |
170 |
महामाय |
Mahamaya |
Gott, als der größte Illusionist, der Meister
der Täuschung, als die illusionäre Natur der materiellen Objekte,
welche Anhaftung und Identifikation verursachen. |
171 |
महोत्साह |
Mahotsaha |
Gott, der große Macht, Kraft, Stärke und
unendlich viel Energie hat. Gott, der großen Enthusiasmus hat, z.B.
beim Vollziehen der Schöpfung, Erhaltung und Auflösung. |
172 |
महाबल |
Mahabala |
Gott, der unermessliche Macht und Kraft hat, der
Allmächtige, der stärkste unter den Starken. |
173 |
महाबुद्धि |
Mahabuddhi |
Gott, der gewaltiges Wissen hat, der Weiseste
unter den Weisen, der unglaublich clever ist. |
174 |
महावीर्य |
Mahaveerya |
Gott, der große Stärke und Energie hat, der sehr
kraftvoll und potent ist, der sehr wirksam ist und eine große
schöpferische Kraft hat. |
175 |
महाशक्ति |
Mahashakti |
Gott, der sehr kraftvoll und mächtig ist, der
übermächtige Kraft, Ressourcen und Fähigkeiten hat. |
176 |
महाद्युति |
Mahadyuti |
Gott, der brilliant, prächtig, glorreich, hell,
leuchtend, strahlend und glänzend ist, Innen wie Außen. |
177 |
अनिर्देश्यवपु |
Anirdeshyavapu |
Gott, der eine undefinierbare Form hat, der
einen unbeschreiblichen Körper hat, der nicht objektiv erkannt werden
kann. |
178 |
श्रीमान |
Shrimana |
Gott, der Herr allen Wohlstandes und Erfolges,
der Großartige. |
179 |
अमेयात्मा |
Ameyatma |
Gott, der unermessliche Gedankenkräfte bzw.
Geisteskräfte hat, der edelmutig und großherzig ist. |
180 |
महाद्रिधृक् |
Mahadridhrik |
Gott, der die größte Wahrnehmung hat, die wie
eine Explosion in die Erleuchtung ist. Gott, der die größten Berge
(Mandara, Govardhana) anhebt. |
181 |
महेष्वास |
Maheshvasa |
Gott, der große Bogenschütze, der mit einem
großartigen Bogen ausgestattet ist. |
182 |
महीभर्ता |
Maheebharta |
Gott, der Unterstützer oder Träger der Erde.
Gott, als der Gemahl von Mutter Erde. |
183 |
श्रीनिवास |
Shrinivasa |
Gott, in dem Shri wohnt. Shri ist ein Beiname
von Lakshmi, die Göttin der Fülle und des Glücks, der weibliche Aspekt
oder die Gemahlin von Vishnu. |
184 |
सतांगति |
Satamgati |
Gott, das Ziel oder die höchste Bestimmung für
alle spirituell Suchenden, Heilige und tugendhaften Menschen. |
185 |
अनिरुद्ध |
Aniruddha |
Gott, der ohne Grenzen ist, der keine Grenzen
kennt und sich in allen Formen manifestiert. Aniruddha bedeutet
ungesteuert, unkontrolliert, uneingeschränkt, ungesichert, ungehemmt,
ohne Widerstände, ohne Hindernisse. |
186 |
सुरानन्द |
Surananda |
Gott, der die höchste Glückseligkeit ist, der
anderen göttlichen Wesen Glück und Freude schenkt. Ananda bedeutet
Glückseligkeit, Sura bedeutet Gott, Göttin, ein Lichtwesen, ein
Heiliger, ein Weiser. |
187 |
गोविन्द |
Govinda |
Gott, der Beschützer der Kühe. Go bedeutet Kuh,
Land oder die Sinne. Vinda bedeutet Beschützer, Hirte. Gott durchdringt
alle Worte (Gau) und gibt ihnen Kraft. Deshalb rufen die Weisen Govinda. |
188 |
गोविदांपति |
Govidampati |
Gott, der Weise, der Kluge, der Verständige, der
Meister der Worte. Gau bedeutet Worte. Wer die Worte kennt, ist Govid. |
189 |
मरीचि |
Mareechi |
Gott, der hell strahlende, glänzende
Lichtstrahl, das Sternenlicht, die übernatürliche Kraft und
Erscheinung, die höchste Macht mit beeindruckenden Qualitäten. |
190 |
दमन |
Damana |
Gott, als der Bändiger, der Bezwinger, der
Überwinder, der Eroberer, der Zähmende oder der Strafende. Gott, der
diejenigen bestraft, die auf dem Weg der Ungerechtigkeit gehen. |
191 |
हंस |
Hamsa |
Gott, als die individuelle Seele, das Selbst und
die Weltseele. Hamsa bedeutet auch Wildgans, Gans, Schwan, die Sonne;
die individuelle Seele, die Weltseele, Asket. Eine weiße Wildgans
(später auch als Schwan bezeichnet) ist das Reittier von Brahma (dem
Weltenschöpfer). Gott, der die Angst vor Samsara von denen nimmt, die
sich mit ihm identifizieren. |
192 |
सुपर्ण |
Suparna |
Gott, als der göttliche Vogel. Suparna ist eine
der vielen Bezeichnung von Garuda, dem göttlich mystischen Vogel als
das Reittier von Vishnu, mit wunderschönen Federn und zwei Fügeln.
Gott, von dem zwei Flügel (zwei Seiten) in der Form von Dharma
(göttliche Ordnung, Gesetz) und Adharma (Sünde, Schuld,
Gottabgewandtheit, Abfall von der göttlichen Ordnung) hervorgehen [als
Konsequenz des freien Willens]. |
193 |
भुजगोत्तम |
Bhujagottama |
Gott, als der Meister der großen Schlange
Adisesha, in der Form einer guten Schlange. Die großen Schlangen wie
Ananta und Vasuki sind die Mächte von Vishnu, deshalb trägt er diesen
Namen. |
194 |
हिरण्यनाभ |
Hiranyanabha |
Gott, der einen Nabel oder Bauch aus Gold hat,
aus dem ein Lotus wächst, auf welchem der Schöpfergott Brahma ist. |
195 |
सुतपा |
Sutapa |
Gott, der große Reue zeigt, große Buße tut oder
strenge Entsagung übt. Gott, der den Soma trinkt. Soma bedeutet der
Ausgepresste, der Nektar und Unsterblichkeitstrank. |
196 |
पद्मनाभ |
Padmanabha |
Gott, aus dessen Nabel ein Lotus wächst. Auf der
Lotusblüte ist Brahma, der die ganze universelle Schöpfung
hervorbringt. |
197 |
प्रजापति |
Prajapati |
Gott, als Brahma, der Weltenschöpfer im
Universum, der ersteingeborene Sohn Gottes, der Vater aller Wesen, die
seine Kinder sind. |
198 |
अमृत्यु |
Amrityu |
Gott, der Unsterbliche, der jenseits des Todes
ist. |
199 |
सर्वदृक् |
Sarvadrik |
Gott, der Allsehende, der alles sieht, der das
Karma aller individuellen Seelen sieht. |
200 |
सिंह |
Simha |
Gott, als Löwe, in seiner (zerstörerischen) Form
als Löwe. |
201 |
सन्धाता |
Sandhata |
Gott, als die Ansammlung von Allem was ist, in
dem alles vereint ist. Gott, der die individuellen Seelen mit ihren
fruchtbringenden Tätigkeiten vereint. |
202 |
सन्धिमान् |
Sandhiman |
Gott, in dem sich alles zusammen fügt, der alles
verbindet. Gott, der Genießer der Früchte allen Handelns oder der
fruchtbringenden Tätigkeiten. |
203 |
स्थिर |
Sthira |
Gott, der eine starke Natur hat. Sthira bedeutet
hart, fest, stabil, straff, reißfest, widerstandsfähig, dauerhaft,
ausdauernd, bleibend, permament, unbeweglich; feststehend, konstant,
keinem Zweifel unterworfen. |
204 |
अज |
Aja |
Gott, der nicht geboren wurde, der die Form von
Brahma annimmt. Gott, der in die Herzen der Gottsuchenden eingeht und
die bösen Wesen hinweg wirft. Aj bedeutet gehen und werfen. |
205 |
दुर्मर्षण |
Durmarshana |
Gott, der nicht überwunden, besiegt oder
angefochten werden kann. Durmarshana bedeutet auch unhandlich,
unüberschaubar, unerträglich, widerspenstig. |
206 |
शास्ता |
Shasta |
Gott, der Gepriesene. Gott, der alles führt und
anleitet in Form der heiligen Schriften. Shasta bedeutet aufgesagt,
rezitiert, gepriesen, gelobt, gerühmt, empfohlen, für geeignet
gehalten, für gut befunden, glücksverheißend, prächtig, schön; guter
Dinge, wohlgemut, Preis, Lob, Körper, Leib, beherrscht, gelehrt. |
207 |
विश्रुतात्मा |
Vishrutatma |
Gott, der sich durch alle besonderen
Eigenschaften wie z.B. Wahrheit, Wissen, usw. auszeichnet. |
208 |
सुरारिहा |
Surariha |
Gott, der die Feinde Suras und Devas
(Halbgötter, Engel, Lichtwesen, Heilige und Weise) vernichtet/zerstört. |
209 |
गुरु |
Guru |
Gott, als der Lehrer von allem Wissen, der
Führer unter den Lehrern. |
210 |
गुरुतम |
Gurutama |
Gott, als der beste Lehrer, der Lehrer aller
Lehrer, der Lehrer aller Formen des Wissens. |
211 |
धाम |
Dhama |
Gott, der Strahlende, das höchste Licht. Gott,
als der höchste Wohnsitz von allem, der größte Besitzer oder Träger von
allem. Dhama bedeutet Strahlen, Stärke, Majestät, eine bestimmte Klasse
übermenschlicher Wesen, Wohnstätte. |
212 |
सत्य |
Satya |
Gott, als die Wahrheit, der tugendhaft die
Wahrheit verkörpert. Satya bedeutet wirklich, wahr, echt, gültig,
wirksam, tugendhaft, zuverlässig, treu. |
213 |
सत्यपराक्रम |
Satyaparakrama |
Gott, der mutige, tapfere, kühne, heldenhafte,
mächtige, gewaltige. Gott, mit unfehlbarem und unerschöpflichem
Heldenmut. |
214 |
निमिष |
Nimisha |
Gott, als der Augenblick, der Moment, das Jetzt.
Gott, mit geschlossenen Augen in Kontemplation. |
215 |
अनिमिष |
Animisha |
Gott, der Achtsame, der Wachsame. Gott, dessen
Augen geschlossen sind und der dennoch wachsam und immer wissend ist. |
216 |
स्रग्वी |
Sragvi |
Gott, der eine Halskette oder Girlande mit
unvergänglichen Blumen trägt (Vaijayanti-mala), auf welche die subtilen
Aspekte der fünf Elemente aufgereiht sind. |
217 |
वाचस्पतिउदारधी |
Vachaspati Udaradhi |
Gott, der Meister der Rede, der Meister der
Worte, der redegewandt, hoch intelligent, weise, klug und scharfsinnig
ist. |
218 |
अग्रणी |
Agrani |
Gott, der Führer, der größte Anführer, der vor
allem steht, der uns zum höchsten geleitet. Gott, der alle nach
Befreiung Suchenden zum höchsten Sein führt. |
219 |
ग्रामणी |
Gramani |
Gott, der höchste Aufseher, als größtes
Oberhaupt, der Führer der Heerscharen, der Gebieter über Bhutagrama
(das Kollektiv aller Wesen). |
220 |
श्रीमान् |
Shriman |
Gott, der Besitzer von Licht, Ruhm, Glanz,
Bracht und Ehre in der höchtsten Form. Gott, in einer lieblichen Form.
Gott, der immer mit Sri (Lakshmi) ist - der Göttin des Glücks, der
Schönheit, des Reichtums, der Liebe, der Fruchtbarkeit, des
Wohlstandes, der Gesundheit, dem geistigem Wohlbefinden, der Harmonie
und der Fülle. |
221 |
न्याय |
Nyaya |
Gott, der Gerechte, der die Gerechtigkeit ist,
der für Gesetze und Regeln steht. Die Konsistenz, die durch alle
Erkenntniswege läuft und die zur absoluten Wahrheit führt. |
222 |
नेता |
Neta |
Gott, als der Führer, der die Schöpfung bewegt. |
223 |
समीरण |
Sameerana |
Gott, als der Lebensatem, die Luft, der Wind,
der Atem, der alle Wesen bewegt und lebendig hält. |
224 |
सहस्रमूर्धा |
Sahasra Moordha |
Gott, der Tausendköpfige, der zahllose Köpfe,
Gesichter und Erscheinungsformen hat. |
225 |
विश्वात्मा |
Vishwatma |
Gott, als die Seele des Universums, die
universelle Seele. |
226 |
सहस्राक्ष |
Sahasraksha |
Gott, der tausend Augen hat, der unzählige Augen
hat, der alles erkennt, alles wahrnimmt, alles erfasst. |
227 |
सहस्रपात् |
Sahasrapaat |
Gott, der tausend/unzählige Beine/Füße hat. |
228 |
आवर्तन |
Avartana |
Gott, der das Samsara Chakra (Rad des weltlichen
Lebens) dreht, in dem alles zyklisch abläuft. |
229 |
निवृत्तात्मा |
Nivrittatma |
Gott, dessen Geist und Gedanken nicht an
vergänglichen weltlichen Dingen haften, der unberührt von Bindungen an
die vergängliche Schöpfung ist. |
230 |
संवृत |
Samvrita |
Gott, der von der alles verhüllenden
Unwissenheit (Avidya) bedeckt ist. |
231 |
संप्रमर्दन |
Sampramardana |
Gott, der Zerstörer, der durch seine Vibhutis
(machtvolle Manifestationen wie Rudra, Yama, etc.) zerstörerische
Schläge auf alle bösartigen Wesen ausführt. Sampramardana bedeutet
vernichten, zerstören, zerschmettern. |
232 |
अहःसंवर्तक |
Ahah Samvartaka |
Gott, der wie die Sonne den Ablauf von Tag und
Nacht reguliert. |
233 |
वह्नि |
Vahni |
Gott, in der Manifestation als Feuer. Gott, der
wie das Feuer die Opfergaben an die Götter (Devas) trägt. |
234 |
अनिल |
Anila |
Gott, in der Manifestation als Luft, die immer
beweglich ist. Anila bedeutet Wind, Windgott, der Wind (Deosha Vata) im
Körper. |
235 |
धरणीधर |
Dharanidhara |
Gott, der die Erde trägt und unterstützt. Gott,
der die Welten trägt und unterstützt, als Adisesha (die Weltenschlange,
auf der Vishnu vor der Schöpfung der Welt ruht) und in unzähligen
anderen Manifestationen. |
236 |
सुप्रसाद |
Suprasada |
The Lord Who is Mercy Personified |
237 |
प्रसन्नात्मा |
Prasannatma |
The Lord Who is Ever Pure and All-Blissful Self |
238 |
विश्वधृक |
Vishwadhrik |
The Lord Who Takes Care of the World |
239 |
विश्वभुज |
Vishwabhuja |
Enjoyer of the Universe |
240 |
विभु |
Vibhu |
The Lord Who has Many Forms |
241 |
सत्कर्ता |
Satkarta |
The Lord Who Adores Good and Wise People |
242 |
सत्कृत |
Satkrita |
The Lord Who is Adored by All Good People |
243 |
साधु |
Sadhu |
The Lord Who Walks in the Righteous Path |
244 |
जह्नुनु |
Jahnunu |
Leader of Men |
245 |
नारायण |
Narayana |
The Lord Who Resides in All Things that He
Creates |
246 |
नर |
Nara |
The Leader of Human Beings |
247 |
असंख्येय |
Asankhyeya |
The Lord Who has Numberlesss Names and Forms |
248 |
अप्रमेयात्मा |
Aprameyatma |
The Lord Who is Beyond Knowledge |
249 |
विशिष्ट |
Vishishta |
The Lord Who Transcends All in His Glory |
250 |
शिष्टकृत |
Shishtakrita |
The Lord Who is Law-Maker |
251 |
शुचि |
Suchi |
The Lord Who is Impeccable and Without Blemish |
252 |
सिद्धार्थ |
Siddhartha |
The Lord Who has Gained All that has to be Gained |
253 |
सिद्धसंकल्प |
Siddha Sankalpa |
The Lord Who Realizes All that He Wants |
254 |
सिद्धिद |
Siddhida |
The Giver of Benedictions |
255 |
सिद्धिसाधन |
Siddhi Sadhana |
The Aid for Success |
256 |
वृषाही |
Vrishahi |
The Lord Who is the Controller of All Actions
and the Dispenser of the Results |
257 |
वृषभ |
Vrishabha |
The Lord Who Showers All Dharmas |
258 |
विष्णु |
Vishnu |
The Occupant of Universe |
259 |
वृषपर्वा |
Vrishaparva |
The Ladder Leading to Dharma |
260 |
वृषोदर |
Vrishodara |
The Lord |
261 |
वर्धन |
Vardhana |
The Lord Who is the Nurturer and Nourisher |
262 |
वर्धमान |
Vardhamana |
The Lord Who can Grow Himself into any Dimensions |
263 |
विविक्त |
Vivikta |
Ever Standing Apart From Everything |
264 |
श्रुतिसागर |
Shrutisagara |
The Ocean for All Scriptures |
265 |
सुभुज |
Subhuja |
The Lord Who has Graceful Arms |
266 |
दुर्धर |
Durdhara |
The Lord Who Cannot be Comprehended Even by
Great Yogis |
267 |
वाग्मी |
Vagmi |
The Lord Who is Eloquent in Speech |
268 |
महेन्द्र |
Mahendra |
Lord of the Lords |
269 |
वसुद |
Vasuda |
The Lord Who Gives Good Pleasures and Wealth |
270 |
वसु |
Vasu |
The Lord Who is Wealth |
271 |
नैकरूप |
Naikaroopa |
The Lord Who is of Infinite Forms in His |
272 |
बृहद्रूप |
Brihadroopa |
The Lord Who is Vast, of Infinite Dimensions |
273 |
शिपिविष्ट |
Shipivishta |
The very Subsistence of Life |
274 |
प्रकाशन |
Prakashana |
The Lord Who Illuminates Himself as
All-Pervading Consciousness |
275 |
ओजस्तेजोद्युतिधर |
Ojastejo-Dyutidhara |
The Lord Who is the possessor of Vitality,
Effulgence and Beauty |
276 |
प्रकाशात्मा |
Prakashatma |
The Effulgent Self |
277 |
प्रतापन |
Pratapana |
The Lord Who Emits Heat |
278 |
ऋद्ध |
Riddha |
The Lord Who is Ever Full of Prosperity |
279 |
स्पष्टाक्षर |
Spashtakshara |
The Lord Who is Clearly Indicated by the Supreme
Sound OM |
280 |
मन्त्र |
Mantra |
The Lord Who is |
281 |
चन्द्रांशु |
Chandramshu |
The Lord Who is as Pleasant as the Ray of Moon |
282 |
भास्करद्युति |
Bhaskaradyuti |
The Lord Who is the Effulgence of the Sun |
283 |
अमृतांशूद्भव |
Amritamshudbhava |
The Lord Who made Moon Appear From the Ocean of
Milk |
284 |
भानु |
Bhanu |
The Lord Who Shines Himself |
285 |
शशबिन्दु |
Shashabindu |
The moon Who has a Rabbit-Like Sspot |
286 |
सुरेश्वर |
Sureshwara |
The God of Gods |
287 |
औषधं |
Aushadham |
The Lord Who is the Divine Medicine |
288 |
जगतसेतु |
Jagata-Setu |
The Lord Who is a Bridge Across the Material
Energy |
289 |
सत्यधर्मपराक्रमः |
Satya-Dharma-Parakramah |
The One Who Champions Heroically for Truth and
Righteousness |
290 |
भूतभव्यभवन्नाथ |
Bhoota-Bhavya-Bhavannatha |
The One Who is the Lord of Past, Present and
Future |
291 |
पवन |
Pavana |
The Air that Fills the Universe |
292 |
पावन |
Paavana |
The Lord Who Gives the Life Sustaining Power to
the Atmospheric Air |
293 |
अनल |
Anala |
The Lord Who is in the Form of Fire, and
Sustains Life |
294 |
कामहा |
Kamaha |
The Lord Who Destroys All Desires |
295 |
कामकृत् |
Kama-Krit |
The Lord Who Fulfils All Desires |
296 |
कान्त |
Kanta |
The Lord Who is of Enchanting Form |
297 |
काम |
Kama |
The Lord Who is Much Desired by the Seekers |
298 |
कामप्रद |
Kamaprada |
The Lord Who Supplies the Desired Objects |
299 |
प्रभु |
Prabhu |
The Great Lord |
300 |
युगादिकृत |
Yugadi-Krit |
The Lord Who Created the Divisions of Time |
301 |
युगावर्त |
Yugavarta |
The Lord Who Makes Time Periods Come Again and
Again |
302 |
नैकमाय |
Naikamaya |
The Lord Who Creates Many Illusions |
303 |
महाशन |
Mahashana |
The Lord Who Swallows Everything |
304 |
अदृश्य |
Adrishya |
The Lord Who is not Visible |
305 |
व्यक्तरूप |
Vyaktaroopa |
The Lord Who is Visible to the Yogis |
306 |
सहस्रजित् |
Sahasrajit |
The Lord Who Vanquishes Thousands |
307 |
अनन्तजित् |
Anantajit |
The Lord Who is Ever-Victorious |
308 |
इष्ट |
Ishta |
The Lord Who is Loved by All |
309 |
अविशिष्ट |
Avishishta |
The Lord Who is the Noblest and the Most Sacred |
310 |
शिष्टेष्ट |
Shishteshta |
The Lord Who is Dear to the Learned |
311 |
शिखण्डी |
Shikhandi |
The Lord Who Wears the Feathers of Peacock |
312 |
नहुष |
Nahusha |
The Lord Who Ties Souls by Illusion |
313 |
वृष |
Vrisha |
The Lord Who Fulfills All Desires Like Rain |
314 |
क्रोधहा |
Krodhaha |
The Lord Who Destroys Anger in Sincere Seekers |
315 |
क्रोधकृत्कर्ता |
Krodha Kritkarta |
The Lord Who Generates Anger Against the Lower
Tendency |
316 |
विश्वबाहु |
Vishwa Baahu |
The Lord Who has Hands All Over the Universe |
317 |
महीधर |
Maheedhara |
The Lord Who Supports the Earth |
318 |
अच्युत |
Achyuta |
The Lord Who Never Changes |
319 |
प्रथित |
Prathita |
The Lord Who Exists Pervading All |
320 |
प्राण |
Prana |
The Soul in All Living Creatures |
321 |
प्राणद |
Pranada |
The Lord Who Gives Strength to Everywhere |
322 |
वासवानुज |
Vasavanuja |
The Younger Brother of Indra |
323 |
अपांनिधि |
Apam Nidhi |
The Lord Who is the Ocean |
324 |
अधिष्ठानम |
Adhishthanam |
The Lord Who is the Substratum of the Universe |
325 |
अप्रमत्त |
Apramatta |
The Lord Who Never Commits a Mistake in Judgement |
326 |
प्रतिष्ठित |
Pratishthita |
The One Who is Self Established |
327 |
स्कन्द |
Skanda |
The One Whose Glory is Expressed Through
Subrahmanya |
328 |
स्कन्दधर |
Skandadhara |
The One Who Establishes the Way of Dharma |
329 |
धुर्य |
Dhurya |
The Lord Who Carries the Weight of the World |
330 |
वरद |
Varada |
The Lord Who Gives Boons |
331 |
वायुवाहन |
Vayu Vahana |
The Lord Who Controls and Regulates the Great
Winds |
332 |
वासुदेव |
Vasudeva |
The Lord Who is in Everything and Plays There |
333 |
बृहद्भानु |
Brihadbhanu |
The Lord Who has Wide Rays Which Go Everywhere |
334 |
आदिदेव |
Adideva |
The Lord Who is the Primary Source of Everything |
335 |
पुरन्दर |
Purandara |
The Destroyer of Cities |
336 |
अशोक |
Ashoka |
The Lord Who has No Sorrows |
337 |
तारण |
Tarana |
The Lord Who Enables Others to Cross the Ocean
of Samsara |
338 |
तार |
Tara |
The Lord Who Saves from All Sorrows of Birth and
Death |
339 |
शूर |
Shoora |
The Lord Who is the Valiant |
340 |
शौरि |
Shauri |
The Lord Who Incarnated in the Dynasty of Shoora |
341 |
जनेश्वर |
Janeshwara |
The Lord of the People |
342 |
अनुकूल |
Anukoola |
Well-Wisher of Everyone |
343 |
शतावर्त |
Shatavarta |
The Lord Who Takes Infinite Varieties of Forms |
344 |
पद्मी |
Padmi |
The Lord Who has the Lotus in His Hand |
345 |
पद्मनिभेक्षण |
Padma Nibhekshana |
The Lord Whose Eyes are as Beautiful as the Lotus |
346 |
पद्मनाभ |
Padmanabha |
The Lord Who has the Lotus in his Navel |
347 |
अरविन्दाक्ष |
Aravindaksha |
The Lord Whose Eyes are as Beautiful as Lotus |
348 |
पद्मगर्भ |
Padmagarbha |
The Lord Who is Being Meditated upon in the
Center of Lotus of Heart |
349 |
शरीरभृत् |
Sharirabhrit |
The Lord Who Sustains and Nourishes All Bodies |
350 |
महार्दि |
Mahardi |
The Lord Who has Great Prosperity |
351 |
ऋद्ध |
Riddha |
The Lord Who has Expanded Himself as the Universe |
352 |
वृद्धात्मा |
Vriddhatma |
The Ancient Self |
353 |
महाक्ष |
Mahaksha |
The Lord Who has Big Eyes |
354 |
गरुडध्वज |
Garuda-Dwaja |
The Lord Who has Garuda (Eagle) in his Flag |
355 |
अतुल |
Atula |
The Lord Who is Incomparable |
356 |
शरभ |
Sharabha |
The Lord Who Dwells and Shines Forth Through the
Bodies |
357 |
भीम |
Bheema |
The One Who is All-Inspiring and the Terrible |
358 |
समयज्ञ |
Samayajna |
The Lord Whose Worship is Nothing More Than
Keeping an Equal Vision of the Mind by the Devotee |
359 |
हविर्हरि |
Havirhari |
The Receiver of All Oblations |
360 |
सर्वलक्षणलक्षण्य |
Sarvalakshana-Lakshanya |
The Lord Who is Known Through All the Methods of
Research |
361 |
लक्ष्मीवान् |
Lakshmivan |
The Consort of Laksmi |
362 |
समितिञ्जय |
Samitinjaya |
Ever-Victorious Lord |
363 |
विक्षर |
Vikshara |
The Lord Who is Imperishable |
364 |
रोहित |
Rohita |
The Red-Hued in Matysavatara |
365 |
मार्ग |
Marga |
The Lord Who is the Path for Eternal Bliss |
366 |
हेतु |
Hetu |
The Lord Who is the Supreme Cause of this
Universe |
367 |
दामोदर |
Damodara |
The Lord Who was Tied by Yashoda in the Stomach |
368 |
सह |
Saha |
The Lord Who has Patience at Everything |
369 |
महीधर |
Maheedhara |
The Lord Who is the Supporter or the Bearer of
the Earth |
370 |
महाभाग |
Mahabhaga |
The Lord Who Receives the Best Share Offered by
Devotees in Yajna |
371 |
वेगवान |
Vegavaan |
The Lord Who is Fastest in Reaching the
Devotee’s Call From the Heart |
372 |
अमिताशन |
Amitashana |
The Lord of Endless Appetite |
373 |
उद्भव |
Udbhava |
The Originator of the Entire Universe |
374 |
क्षोभण |
Kshobhana |
The Agitator Who Thrills the World and Makes it
so Beautiful With Life |
375 |
देव |
Deva |
The Lord Who Revels (or) The One Whom We Like to
Praise |
376 |
श्रीगर्भ |
Shreegarbha |
The Lord Containing All Glories Within |
377 |
परमेश्वर |
Parmeshwara |
The Supreme Lord |
378 |
करणं |
Karanam |
The Lord Who is the Instrument for Creation of
the World |
379 |
कारणं |
Kaaranam |
The Lord Who is the Cause for Creation of the
World |
380 |
कर्ता |
Karta |
The Doer |
381 |
विकर्ता |
Vikarta |
The Creator of the Endless Varieties that Make
Up the Universe |
382 |
गहन |
Gahana |
The Lord whose Shape, Strength and Actions are
Difficult to Know |
383 |
गुह |
Guha |
The Lord Who Dwells in the Cave of the Heart |
384 |
व्यवसाय |
Vyavasaya |
The Lord Who is Resolute |
385 |
व्यवस्थान |
Vyavasthana |
The Lord Who is the Substratum |
386 |
संस्थान |
Sansthana |
The Lord Who is the Ultimate Authority |
387 |
स्थानद |
Sthanada |
The Lord Who Confers the Right Abode to Each
Living Organism |
388 |
ध्रुव |
Dhruva |
The Lord Who is Imperishable |
389 |
परर्द्धि |
Pararddhi |
The Lord Who has Supreme Manifestations |
390 |
परमस्पष्ट |
Paramaspashta |
The Lord Who is Extremely Vivid |
391 |
तुष्ट |
Tushta |
The Lord Who is Ever-Contented |
392 |
पुष्ट |
Pushta |
The Lord Who is Ever-Full |
393 |
शुभेक्षण |
Shubhekshana |
The Lord Whose Very Gaze Brings Auspiciousness
to the Devotee |
394 |
राम |
Rama |
The Lord Who is of Delightful Form |
395 |
विराम |
Virama |
The Lord Who is the Ultimate End of Everything |
396 |
विरज |
Viraja |
The Lord Who is Passionless |
397 |
मार्ग |
Marga |
The Lord Who is the Path to Immortality |
398 |
नेय |
Neya |
The Lord Who is the Guide for Living Beings |
399 |
नय |
Naya |
The One Who Leads |
400 |
अनय |
Anaya |
The Lord Who Cannot be Lead by Anybody |
401 |
वीर |
Veera |
The Lord Who is Personification of Valor |
402 |
शक्तिमतां श्रेष्ठ |
Shaktimataam Shreshtha |
The Best Among the Powerful |
403 |
धर्म |
Dharma |
The Law of Being |
404 |
धर्मविदुत्तम |
Dharmaviduttama |
The Lord Who is the Best of the knowers of Dharma |
405 |
वैकुण्ठ |
Vaikuntha |
The Lord Who Prevents Beings from Straying on
Wrong Paths |
406 |
पुरुष |
Purusha |
The Lord Who Dwells in All Bodies |
407 |
प्राण |
Prana |
The Lord Who is the Soul |
408 |
प्राणद |
Pranada |
The Lord Who Gives Life |
409 |
प्रणव |
Pranava |
The Lord Who is Praised by the Gods |
410 |
पृथु |
Prithu |
The Immense |
411 |
हिरण्यगर्भ |
Hiranyagarbha |
The One Who Keeps the Golden Source for All
Creations |
412 |
शत्रुघ्न |
Shatrughna |
The Destroyer of Enemies |
413 |
व्याप्त |
Vyapta |
The Lord Who Pervades in All Beings as the Cause |
414 |
वायु |
Vayu |
The Wafter of Fragrance |
415 |
अधोक्षज |
Adhokshaja |
The Lord Whose Vitality Never Flows Downwards |
416 |
ऋतु |
Ritu |
The Lord Who is the Seasons |
417 |
सुदर्शन |
Sudarshana |
The Lord Who can be Easily Seen by His Devotees |
418 |
काल |
Kaala |
The Lord Who is The Reckoner |
419 |
परमेष्ठी |
Parameshthi |
The Lord Who is Centered in His Glory |
420 |
परिग्रह |
Parigraha |
The Lord Who is the Receiver |
421 |
उग्र |
Ugra |
The Lord Who is Formidable |
422 |
सम्वत्सर |
Samvatsara |
The Lord Who Makes All Things Reside in Him |
423 |
दक्ष |
Daksha |
The Lord Who Completes All Jobs Quickly |
424 |
विश्राम |
Vishrama |
The Lord Who Provides Rest for Those Who are
Tired |
425 |
विश्वदक्षिण |
Vishvadakshina |
The Most Skilful and Efficient |
426 |
विस्तार |
Vistara |
The Lord Who Makes All the World Broaden in Him |
427 |
स्थावरस्थाणु |
Sthavarasthanu |
The Lord Who is Firm and Motionless |
428 |
प्रमाणम् |
Pramanam |
The Lord Who is Personification of Knowledge |
429 |
बीजमव्ययम् |
Bijamavyayam |
The Lord Who is the Immutable Seed |
430 |
अर्थ |
Artha |
The Lord Who is Worshiped by All |
431 |
अनर्थ |
Anartha |
The One to Whom There is Nothing Yet to be
Fulfilled |
432 |
महाकोश |
Mahakosha |
The Great Treasury |
433 |
महाभोग |
Mahabhoga |
The Lord Who is of the Nature of Enjoyment |
434 |
महाधन |
Mahadhana |
The Lord Who has Great Wealth |
435 |
अनिर्विण्ण |
Anirvinna |
The Lord Who has No Discontent |
436 |
स्थविष्ठ |
Sthavishtha |
The Lord Who is Immense |
437 |
अभू |
Abhu |
The Lord Who has No Birth |
438 |
धर्मयूप |
Dharmayupa |
The Post to Which all Dharma is Tied |
439 |
महामख |
Mahamakha |
The Great Sacrificer |
440 |
नक्षत्रनेमि |
Nakshatranemi |
The Lord Who is the Nave of the Stars |
441 |
नक्षत्री |
Nakshatri |
The Lord Who is the Chief of Stars |
442 |
क्षम |
Kshama |
The Lord Who is Perennially Patient |
443 |
क्षाम |
Kshaama |
The Lord Who Remains Alone After the Deluge |
444 |
समीहन |
Sameehana |
The Lord Whose Desires are Auspicious |
445 |
यज्ञ |
Yajna |
The Lord Who is Personification of Sacrifice |
446 |
ईज्य |
Ijya |
The Lord Who is Fit to be Invoked Through Yajna |
447 |
महेज्य |
Mahejya |
The Lord Who is to be Most Worshiped by Yajna |
448 |
क्रतु |
Kratu |
The Sacrificial Ceremony |
449 |
सत्रं |
Satram |
The Lord Who Protects Good People |
450 |
सतांगति |
Satamgati |
The Lord Who is the Ultimate Goal of Those Who
Seek for Salvation |
451 |
सर्वदर्शी |
Sarvadarshi |
The Lord Who Knows Everything Naturally |
452 |
विमुक्तात्मा |
Vimuktatma |
The Lord Who is the Soul Which has Left All its
Bondages |
453 |
सर्वज्ञ |
Sarvagya |
The Lord Who is Omniscient |
454 |
ज्ञानमुत्तमम् |
Gyana-muttamam |
The Lord Who is the Supreme Knowledge |
455 |
सुव्रत |
Suvrata |
The Lord Who Ever-Performing the Pure Vow |
456 |
सुमुख |
Sumukha |
The Lord Who has a Charming Face |
457 |
सूक्ष्म |
Sukshma |
The Lord Who is the Smallest Known Thing from
Which Everything Came |
458 |
सुघोष |
Sughosha |
The Lord of Auspicious Sound |
459 |
सुखद |
Sukhada |
The Lord Who is the Giver of Happiness |
460 |
सुहृत् |
Suhrit |
The Lord Who is the Friend and Well Wisher of
All Creatures |
461 |
मनोहर |
Manohara |
The Lord Who Captivates the Mind |
462 |
जितक्रोध |
Jitakrodha |
The Lord Who has Conquered Anger |
463 |
वीरबाहु |
Veerabahu |
The Lord Who is Having Mighty Arms |
464 |
विदारण |
Vidarana |
The Destroyer of Unrighteous |
465 |
स्वापन |
Svapana |
The Lord Who Puts People to Sleep |
466 |
स्ववश |
Svavasha |
The Lord Who has Everything under His control |
467 |
व्यापी |
Vyapi |
The Lord Who has Spread Everywhere |
468 |
नैकात्मा |
Naikatma |
The Lord Who Takes Various Forms Depending on
Need |
469 |
नैककर्मकृत् |
Naikakarmakrit |
The Lord Who Performs Many Actions |
470 |
वत्सर |
Vatsara |
The Lord Who is the Abode of Everything |
471 |
वत्सल |
Vatsala |
The Lord Who Loves His Devotees |
472 |
वत्सी |
Vatsi |
The Lord Who is the Protector of the People |
473 |
रत्नगर्भ |
Ratnagarbha |
The Lord Who is the Ocean Which Keeps Pearls
Within Itself |
474 |
धनेश्वर |
Dhaneshwara |
The One Who is the God of wealth |
475 |
धर्मगुप |
Dharmagupa |
The Protector of Dharma |
476 |
धर्मकृत् |
Dharmakrit |
The Lord Who Acts According to Dharma |
477 |
धर्मी |
Dharmi |
The Supporter of Dharma |
478 |
सत् |
Sat |
The Lord Who is the Ultimate Permanent Truth |
479 |
असत् |
Asat |
The Lord Who is the Ultimate Truth Which is
Hidden by Illusion |
480 |
क्षरम् |
Ksharam |
The Lord Who Appears to Perish |
481 |
अक्षरम् |
Aksharam |
The Lord Who is Imperishable |
482 |
अविज्ञाता |
Avigyata |
The Lord Who is Not One Who Does Not Know |
483 |
सहस्रांशु |
Sahasramshu |
The Lord Who has Thousand Rays |
484 |
विधाता |
Vidhata |
The Lord Who Carries the World |
485 |
कृतलक्षण |
Kritalakshana |
The One Who is Famous for His Qualities |
486 |
गभस्तिनेमि |
Gabhastinemi |
The Hub of the Universal Wheel |
487 |
सत्त्वस्थ |
Sattvastha |
The Lord Who is Situated in Sattva |
488 |
सिंह |
Simha |
The Lord Who is as Royal as a Lion |
489 |
भूतमहेश्वर |
Bhoota-maheshwara |
The Lord Who is the First and Ultimate God of
All Beings |
490 |
आदिदेव |
Adideva |
The First Diety |
491 |
महादेव |
Mahadeva |
The Great Diety |
492 |
देवेश |
Devesha |
The Lord Who Appears to Perish |
493 |
देवभृद्गुरु |
Devabhridguru |
The Lord Who is the Lord of All Devas |
494 |
उत्तर |
Uttara |
The Lord Who Saves All Beings from the Miserable
Ocean of Mortal Life |
495 |
गोपति |
Gopati |
The Lord Who Rears the Cattle |
496 |
गोप्ता |
Gopta |
The Lord Who is the Protector |
497 |
ज्ञानगम्य |
Gyanagamya |
The Lord Who can Only be Attained Through Pure
Knowledge |
498 |
पुरातन |
Puratana |
The Lord Who is Very Ancient |
499 |
शरीरभूतभृत् |
Shareera-bhoota-bhrit |
The Lord Who is the Soul of Pancha Bhoothas
Which is the Basis of All Beings |
500 |
भोक्ता |
Bhokta |
The Lord Who Enjoys the Truth in Himself |
501 |
कपीन्द्र |
Kapindra |
The Lord Who is Rama, Dear to All Monkeys |
502 |
भूरिदक्षिण |
Bhooridakshina |
The Lord Who Conducts Yajnas and Gives Cash
Benefits |
503 |
सोमप |
Somapa |
The Lord Who Drinks Soma |
504 |
अमृतप |
Amritapa |
The Lord Who Drinks the Nectar |
505 |
सोम |
Soma |
The Lord Who in the Form of Moon Helps Plants to
Grow |
506 |
पुरुजित |
Purujita |
The Lord Who has Conquered Numerous Enemies |
507 |
पुरुसत्तम |
Purusattama |
The Lord Who is the Best in Several Forms |
508 |
विनय |
Vinaya |
The Lord Who Humiliates Those Who are Unrighteous |
509 |
जय |
Jaya |
The Victorious Lord |
510 |
सत्यसंध |
Satyasandha |
The Lord Who is Veracious in Mental Decisions |
511 |
दाशार्ह |
Dasharha |
The Lord Who Was Born in the Dasharha Race |
512 |
सात्वतांपति |
Satvatampati |
The Lord of the Satvatas |
513 |
जीव |
Jiva |
The Living Being |
514 |
विनयितासाक्षी |
Vinayitasakshi |
The Witness of Modesty |
515 |
मुकुन्द |
Mukunda |
The Giver of Liberation |
516 |
अमितविक्रम |
Amitavikrama |
The Lord of Immeasurable Prowess |
517 |
अम्भोनिधि |
Ambhonidhi |
The Lord Who is the Ultimate Sojourn to Devas,
Manushyas, Asuras and Pitrs |
518 |
अनन्तात्मा |
Anantatma |
The Infinite Self |
519 |
महोदधिशय |
Mahodadhishaya |
The Lord Who Rests on the Great Ocean |
520 |
अन्तक |
Antaka |
The Lord Who Brings About End of Everything |
521 |
अज |
Aja |
The One Who Never Takes Birth |
522 |
महार्ह |
Maharha |
The Lord Who Deserves the Highest Worship |
523 |
स्वाभाव्य |
Svabhavya |
The Lord Who Ever-rooted in the Nature of His
Own Self |
524 |
जितामित्र |
Jitamitra |
The Lord Who has Conquered All Enemies |
525 |
प्रमोदन |
Pramodana |
The Lord Who is Always Happy |
526 |
आनन्द |
Ananda |
The Lord Who is the Personification of Happiness |
527 |
नन्दन |
Nandana |
The Lord Who Makes Others Blissful |
528 |
नन्द |
Nanda |
The Lord Who is Free from All Worldly Pleasures |
529 |
सत्यधर्मा |
Satyadharmaa |
The Lord Who is the Truthful Dharma |
530 |
त्रिविक्रम |
Trivikrama |
The Lord Who Measured the Worlds in Three Steps |
531 |
महर्षि कपिलाचार्य |
Maharshi Kapilacharya |
The Lord Who Incarnated as Kapila, the Great Sage |
532 |
कृतज्ञ |
Kritagya |
The Knower of the World |
533 |
मेदिनीपति |
Medinipati |
The Lord of the Earth |
534 |
त्रिपद |
Tripada |
The Lord Who has Taken Three Steps |
535 |
त्रिदशाध्यक्ष |
Tridashadhyaksha |
The Lord of Three States of Consciousness -
Wakefulness, Sleep and Dream |
536 |
महाशृङ्ग |
Mahashringa |
The Lord has the Great Horn (Matsya Avatar) |
537 |
कृतान्तकृत् |
Kritantakrit |
The Lord Who Destroys the World Created by
Himself |
538 |
महावराह |
Mahavaraha |
The Great Boar (Varaha) |
539 |
गोविन्द |
Govinda |
The Lord Who is Known through Vedanta |
540 |
सुषेण |
Sushena |
The Lord Who has Magnificent Army |
541 |
कनकाङ्गदी |
Kanakangadi |
The Lord Who has Golden Armlets |
542 |
गुह्य |
Guhya |
The Mysterious |
543 |
गभीर |
Gabhira |
The Unfathomable |
544 |
गहन |
Gahana |
The Lord Whose Depth Cannot be Measured |
545 |
गुप्त |
Gupta |
The Lord Who is Hidden from Mind and the Words |
546 |
चक्रगदाधर |
Chakragadadhara |
The Lord Who Keeps the Holy Wheel and Holy Mace |
547 |
वेधा |
Vedha |
The Creator of the Universe |
548 |
स्वाङ्ग |
Svanga |
The Lord Who is the Instrument Reason and Cause
for Existence |
549 |
अजित |
Ajita |
The Unconquered |
550 |
कृष्ण |
Krishna |
The Dark-complexioned Lord |
551 |
दृढ |
Dridha |
The Lord Who has No Change in Character and
Ability |
552 |
संकर्षणोऽच्युत |
Sankarshanoachyuta |
The Lord Who Withdraw the Beings Within Himself
During the Deluge |
553 |
वरुण |
Varuna |
The One Who Sets on the Horizon |
554 |
वारुण |
Vaaruna |
The Son of Varuna (Vasishta) |
555 |
वृक्ष |
Vriksha |
The Lord Who is Firm and Stable like the Tree |
556 |
पुष्कराक्ष |
Pushkaraksha |
The Lotus Eyed |
557 |
महामना |
Mahamanaa |
The Lord Who of Great Mind |
558 |
भगवान् |
Bhagawan |
The Lord Who Possesses Six Opulences |
559 |
भगहा |
Bagahaa |
The Lord Who Destroys Wealth During Deluge |
560 |
आनन्दी |
Anandi |
The Lord Who Gives Delight |
561 |
वनमाली |
Vanamali |
The Lord Who Wears a Garland of Forest Flowers |
562 |
हलायुध |
Halayudha |
The Lord Who has a Plough as His Weapon |
563 |
आदित्य |
Aditya |
The Lord Who was Born of Aditi |
564 |
ज्योतिरादित्य |
Jyotiraditya |
The Resplendence of the Sun |
565 |
सहिष्णु |
Sahishnu |
The Lord Who Calmly Endures Duality |
566 |
गतिसत्तम |
Gatisattama |
The Ultimate Refuge for All Devotees |
567 |
सुधन्वा |
Sudhanva |
The Lord Who has the Holy Bow Salled Saranga |
568 |
खण्डपरशु |
Khandaparashu |
The Lord Who has Axe as a Weapon to Kill Enemies |
569 |
दारुण |
Daruna |
Merciless Towards the Unrighteous |
570 |
द्रविणप्रद |
Dravinaprada |
The Lord Who Lavishly Gives Wealth |
571 |
दिवःस्पृक् |
Divahsprik |
The Lord Who Touches the Sky |
572 |
सर्वदृग्व्यास |
Sarvadrigvyasa |
The Lord Who Writes About All Knowledge |
573 |
वाचस्पतिरयोनिज |
Vachaspatirayonija |
The Unborn Lord of Vidyas |
574 |
त्रिसामा |
Trisama |
The Lord Who is Worshipped by the Three Samas |
575 |
सामग |
Samaga |
The Chanter of Sama Hymns |
576 |
साम |
Sama |
The Lord Who is the Sama Veda |
577 |
निर्वाणं |
Nirvanam |
Joy of Renunciation |
578 |
भेषजं |
Bheshajam |
The Lord Who is the Medicine |
579 |
भिषक् |
Bhishak |
The Lord Who is The Physician |
580 |
संन्यासकृत |
Sanyasakrit |
The Institutor of Sanyasa |
581 |
शम |
Shama |
The Lord Who is Calm |
582 |
शान्त |
Shanta |
The Lord Who is Peaceful |
583 |
निष्ठा |
Nishtha |
The Abode of All Beings |
584 |
शान्ति |
Shanti |
The Lord Whose Very Nature is Peace |
585 |
परायणम् |
Parayanam |
The way to Liberation |
586 |
शुभाङ्ग |
Shubhanga |
The Lord Who has the Most Beautiful Form |
587 |
शान्तिद |
Shantida |
The Giver of Peace |
588 |
स्रष्टा |
Srashtaa |
The Creator of all Beings |
589 |
कुमुद |
Kumuda |
The Lord Who Delights in the Earth |
590 |
कुवलेशय |
Kuvaleshaya |
The Lord Who Reclines in the Waters |
591 |
गोहित |
Gohita |
The Lord Who does Welfare for Cows |
592 |
गोपति |
Gopati |
The One Who is Lord of the Earth |
593 |
गोप्ता |
Gopta |
The Lord Who is the Protector of the Universe |
594 |
वृषभाक्ष |
Vrishabhaksha |
The Lord Whose Merciful Eyes Showers Whatever is
Prayed for |
595 |
वृषप्रिय |
Vrishapriya |
The Lord Who Delights in Dharma |
596 |
अनिवर्ती |
Anivarti |
The Lord Who Never Retreats |
597 |
निवृत्तात्मा |
Nivrittatma |
The Lord Who is Fully Restrained from All Sense
Indulgences |
598 |
संक्षेप्ता |
Samkshepta |
The Condensor During Pralaya |
599 |
क्षेमकृत् |
Kshemakrit |
The Preserver of Welfare |
600 |
शिव |
Shiva |
The Lord Who is Eternally Pure |
601 |
श्रीवत्सवक्षा |
Shrivatsavakshaa |
The Lord Who has Shrivatsa on His Chest |
602 |
श्रीवास |
Srivasa |
The Lord in Whom Goddess Lakshmi Lives |
603 |
श्रीपति |
Shripati |
The One Who is the Lord of Goddess Lakshmi |
604 |
श्रीमतां वर |
Shrimatam Vara |
The Best Among Glorious |
605 |
श्रीद |
Shrida |
The Giver of Opulence |
606 |
श्रीश |
Shrisha |
The Lord of Shri (Goddess of Fortune) |
607 |
श्रीनिवास |
Shrinivasa |
The Lord in Whom Goddess Lakshmi Lives |
608 |
श्रीनिधि |
Shrinidhi |
The Treasure of Shri |
609 |
श्रीविभावन |
Shrivibhavana |
The Distributor of Wealth |
610 |
श्रीधर |
Shridhara |
The Bearer of Shri |
611 |
श्रीकर |
Shrikara |
The Lord Who Gives All Wealth to His Devotees |
612 |
श्रेय |
Shreya |
The Lord Who is the Personification of Perennial
Happiness |
613 |
श्रीमान |
Shrimana |
The Professor of Shri |
614 |
लोकत्रयाश्रय |
Lokatrayashraya |
The Refuge of the Three Worlds |
615 |
स्वक्ष |
Svaksha |
The Beautiful Eyed Lord |
616 |
स्वङ्ग |
Svanga |
The Lord Who has Beautiful Limbs |
617 |
शतानन्द |
Shatananda |
The Lord of Infinite Varieties and Joys |
618 |
नन्दि |
Nandi |
The Lord Who is Personification of Supreme
Happiness |
619 |
ज्योतिर्गणेश्वर |
Jyotirganeshwara |
The Lord of the Luminaries in the Cosmos |
620 |
विजितात्मा |
Vijitatma |
The Lord Who has Conquered the Sense Organs |
621 |
अविधेयात्मा |
Avidheyatma |
The Lord Who is not Under the Control of Anybody |
622 |
सत्कीर्ति |
Satkirti |
The Lord Who has True Fame |
623 |
छिन्नसंशय |
Chinnasamshaya |
The Lord Who is Cleared of All Doubts |
624 |
उदीर्ण |
Udirna |
The Lord Who is Greater than All Beings |
625 |
सर्वतश्चक्षु |
Sarvatashchakshu |
The Lord Who Sees Everything Everywhere |
626 |
अनीश |
Anisha |
The One Who does not Have Any God Above Him |
627 |
शाश्वतस्थिर |
Shashvatasthira |
The Lord Who is Eternal and Stable |
628 |
भूशय |
Bhooshaya |
The Lord Who Rested on the Ground |
629 |
भूषण |
Bhooshana |
The Lord Who Adorns the World |
630 |
भूति |
Bhooti |
The Lord Who has Pure Existence |
631 |
विशोक |
Vishoka |
The Lord Who is Sorrowless |
632 |
शोकनाशन |
Shokanashana |
The Lord Who Destroys Sadness of His Devotees |
633 |
अर्चिष्मान |
Archishmana |
The Effulgent |
634 |
अर्चित |
Archita |
The Lord Who is Constantly Worshipped by His
Devotees |
635 |
कुम्भ |
Kumbha |
The Pot Within Whom Everything is Contained |
636 |
विशुद्धात्मा |
Vishuddhatma |
The One Who has the Purest Soul |
637 |
विशोधन |
Vishodhana |
The Great Purifier |
638 |
अनिरुद्ध |
Aniruddha |
The Lord Who is Invincible by Any Enemy |
639 |
अप्रतिरथ |
Apratiratha |
The Lord Who has no Enemies to Threaten Him |
640 |
प्रद्युम्न |
Pradyumna |
The Lord Who has Great Wealth |
641 |
अमितविक्रम |
Amitavikrama |
The Lord Who has Immeasurable Prowess |
642 |
कालनेमिनिहा |
Kalaneminiha |
The Slayer of Kalanemi |
643 |
वीर |
Veera |
The Lord Who is Valorous |
644 |
शौरि |
Shauri |
The Lord Who was Born in the Sura Dynasty |
645 |
शूरजनेश्वर |
Shoorajaneshwara |
Lord of the Valiant |
646 |
त्रिलोकात्मा |
Trilokatma |
The Soul of the Three Worlds |
647 |
त्रिलोकेश |
Trilokesha |
The Lord of the Three Worlds |
648 |
केशव |
Keshava |
The Lord Whose Rays Illumine the Cosmos |
649 |
केशिहा |
Keshiha |
The Slayer of Demon Kesi |
650 |
हरि |
Hari |
Destroyer of the Cycle of Birth |
651 |
कामदेव |
Kamadeva |
The One Who is Passionately Loved by His Devotees |
652 |
कामपाल |
Kamapala |
The Lord Who Takes Care of Desires |
653 |
कामी |
Kaami |
The Lord of Fulfilled Desires |
654 |
कान्त |
Kanta |
The Lord of Enchanting Form |
655 |
कृतागम |
Kritagama |
The Author of the Agama Scriptures |
656 |
अनिर्देश्यवपु |
Anirdeshyavapu |
The Lord Whose Forms Cannot be Defined |
657 |
विष्णु |
Vishnu |
All-Pervading Lord |
658 |
वीर |
Veera |
The Courageous |
659 |
अनन्त |
Ananta |
The Lord Who is Endless |
660 |
धनंजय |
Dhananjaya |
The Lord Who Gained Wealth Through Conquest |
661 |
ब्रह्मण्य |
Brahmanya |
Patron of Brahman |
662 |
ब्रह्मकृत |
Brahmakrit |
The Lord Who Acts in Brahman |
663 |
ब्रह्मा |
Brahma |
The Creator |
664 |
ब्रह्म |
Brahma |
The Lord Who is Brahmam |
665 |
ब्रह्मविवर्धन |
Brahmavivardhana |
The Promoter of Brahma Vidya |
666 |
ब्रह्मवित |
Brahmavita |
The Lord Who Knows Brahman |
667 |
ब्राह्मण |
Braahmana |
The Lord Who in the Form of Brahmins Teaches
Vedas |
668 |
ब्रह्मी |
Brahmi |
The Lord Who Controls All that is Denoted by
Brahma |
669 |
ब्रह्मज्ञ |
Brahmagya |
The Lord Who Knows Vedas as Himself |
670 |
ब्राह्मणप्रिय |
Braahmanapriya |
The Lord Who is Dear to the Brahmanas |
671 |
महाक्रम |
Mahakrama |
The Lord Who Takes Gig Steps |
672 |
महाकर्मा |
Mahakarma |
The Lord Who Performs Great Deeds |
673 |
महातेजा |
Mahateja |
The Lord of Great Resplendence |
674 |
महोरग |
Mahoraga |
The Lord Who has the Form of the Great Serpent |
675 |
महाक्रतु |
Mahakratu |
The Great Sacrifice |
676 |
महायज्वा |
Mahayajva |
The Lord Who Performed Great Yajnas |
677 |
महायज्ञ |
Mahayajna |
The Great Yajna |
678 |
महाहवि |
Mahahavi |
The Greatest Sacrificial Offering in the Yajna |
679 |
स्तव्य |
Stavya |
The Lord Who is Being Praised by Everybody |
680 |
स्तवप्रिय |
Stavapriya |
The Lord Who Likes Being Praised |
681 |
स्तोत्रं |
Stotram |
The Hymn Itself |
682 |
स्तुति |
Stuti |
The Act of Praise |
683 |
स्तोता |
Stota |
The Lord Who Adores or Praises |
684 |
रणप्रिय |
Ranapriya |
The Lord Who is the Lover of Battles |
685 |
पूर्ण |
Poorna |
The Lord Who is Complete |
686 |
पूरयिता |
Poorayita |
The Lord Who Fulfills the Wishes of His Devotees |
687 |
पुण्य |
Punya |
The Truly Holy |
688 |
पुण्यकीर्ति |
Punyakirti |
The Lord of Holy Fame |
689 |
अनामय |
Anamaya |
The Lord Who Never Becomes Ill |
690 |
मनोजव |
Manojava |
The Lord Who is Swift as the Mind |
691 |
तीर्थकर |
Tirthakara |
The Lord Who Created Methods for Salvation of
All Beings in the World |
692 |
वसुरेता |
Vasureta |
The Lord Whose Essence is Golden |
693 |
वसुप्रद |
Vasuprada |
The Bestower of Wealth |
694 |
वसुप्रद |
Vasuprada |
The Lord Who Leads His Devotees to Salvation |
695 |
वासुदेव |
Vasudeva |
The Lord Who was Born as Son of Vasudeva |
696 |
वसु |
Vasu |
The Refuge for All Beings |
697 |
वसुमना |
Vasumana |
The Lord of Great Mind |
698 |
हवि |
Havi |
The Lord Who is the Sacrificial Offering in the
Yajnas |
699 |
सद्गति |
Sadgati |
The Lord Who is Attained by Good People |
700 |
सत्कृति |
Satkriti |
The Lord Who is Full of Good Actions |
701 |
सत्ता |
Satta |
The Lord Who is Personification of Non
Differential Knowledge |
702 |
सद्भूति |
Sadbhuti |
The Lord Who is Undenied Being |
703 |
सत्परायण |
Satparayana |
The Supreme Goal of the Good |
704 |
शूरसेन |
Shoorasena |
The Lord Who has Heroic and Valiant Armies |
705 |
यदुश्रेष्ठ |
Yadushreshta |
The Lord Who is the Greatest Among Yadus |
706 |
सन्निवास |
Sannivasa |
The One Who is the Ultimate Place Where Scholars
Go |
707 |
सुयामुन |
suyamuna |
The One Who is Attended by the People Dwelling
on the Banks of Yamuna |
708 |
भूतावास |
Bhootavasa |
The Dwelling Place of the Elements |
709 |
वासुदेव |
Vasudeva |
The Lord Who Envelops the Universe by Illusion |
710 |
सर्वासुनिलय |
Sarvasunilaya |
The Lord Who is the Shelter of All Living Beings |
711 |
अनल |
Anala |
The Lord of Unlimited Wealth, Power and Glory |
712 |
दर्पहा |
Darpaha |
The Destroyer of Pride in Evil-Minded People |
713 |
दर्पद |
Darpada |
The Giver of Pride to Those Who Walks on the
Path of Dharma |
714 |
दृप्त |
Dripta |
The Lord Who Never Gets Proud of His Strength |
715 |
दुर्धर |
Durdhara |
The Lord Who can be Brought to the Mind with
Difficulty |
716 |
अपराजित |
Aparajita |
The Unvanquished |
717 |
विश्वमूर्ति |
Vishwamurti |
The Universe Personified |
718 |
महामूर्ति |
Mahamurti |
The Lord Who is Monumental in Form |
719 |
दीप्तमूर्ति |
Deeptamurti |
The Lord Of Resplendent Form |
720 |
अमूर्तिमान् |
Amurtiman |
The Lord Who is Formless |
721 |
अनेकमूर्ति |
Anekamurti |
The Lord of Multi Form |
722 |
अव्यक्त |
Avyakta |
The Lord Who is Unmanifested |
723 |
शतमूर्ति |
Shatamurti |
The Lord Who has Several Forms |
724 |
शतानन |
Shatanana |
The Lord Who has Several Faces |
725 |
एक |
Eka |
The Lord Who is The One |
726 |
नैक |
Naika |
The Lord Who Appears as in Different Forms by
Illusion |
727 |
सव |
Sava |
The Lord Who is the Personification of Soma Yagya |
728 |
कः |
Kah |
The Lord Who is Worshipped as 'Ka' Indicating
Pleasures |
729 |
किं |
Kim |
The One to be Inquired |
730 |
यत् |
Yat |
The Lord Who is Indicated by 'yat' (Which) |
731 |
तत् |
Tat |
The Lord Who is Indicated by the Word 'That' |
732 |
पदमनुत्तमम् |
Padamanuttamam |
The Unequalled State of Perfection |
733 |
लोकबन्धु |
Lokabandhu |
The Kinsman of the Universe |
734 |
लोकनाथ |
Lokanatha |
Lord of the Universe |
735 |
माधव |
Madhava |
The Lord Who Born in the Family of Madhu |
736 |
भक्तवत्सल |
Bhaktavatsala |
The Lord Who Loves His Devotees |
737 |
सुवर्णवर्ण |
Suvarnavarna |
The Lord Who is of a Golden Colour |
738 |
हेमाङ्ग |
Hemanga |
The Lord Who has Limbs of Gold |
739 |
वराङ्ग |
Varanga |
The Lord with Beautiful Limbs |
740 |
चन्दनाङ्गदी |
Chandanangadi |
The Lord Who has Attractive Armlets |
741 |
वीरहा |
Veeraha |
The Slayer of the Valiant Foes |
742 |
विषम |
Vishama |
The Lord Who Cannot be Compared to Anyone Else |
743 |
शून्य |
Shoonya |
The Void |
744 |
घृताशी |
Ghritashi |
The Lord Who has No Need for Good Wishes |
745 |
अचल |
Achala |
The Lord Who is Supremely Stable |
746 |
चल |
Chala |
The Lord Who is Moving |
747 |
अमानी |
Amani |
The Lord Who Does Not have Pride and Willing to
be Anything |
748 |
मानद |
Manada |
The Lord Who Generates Egoistic Conciousness |
749 |
मान्य |
Manya |
The Lord Who is to be Honoured |
750 |
लोकस्वामी |
Lokaswami |
The Lord of the World |
751 |
त्रिलोकधृक् |
Trilokadhrik |
The Lord Who Carries the Three Worlds |
752 |
सुमेधा |
Sumedha |
The Lord Who has Pure Intelligence |
753 |
मेधज |
Medhaja |
The Lord Who is Born Out of Sacrifices |
754 |
धन्य |
Dhanya |
The Lord Who is Fortunate |
755 |
सत्यमेधा |
Satyamedha |
The Lord Whose Intelligence Never Fails |
756 |
धराधर |
Dharaadhara |
The Sole Support of the Earth |
757 |
तेजोवृष |
Tejovrisha |
The Lord Who Showers Radiance |
758 |
द्युतिधर |
Dyutidhara |
The Lord Who Bears an Effulgent Form |
759 |
सर्वशस्त्रभृतांवर |
Sarvashastra-bhritamvara |
The Best Among Those Who Wield Weapons |
760 |
प्रग्रह |
Pragraha |
The Receiver of the Humblest Gifts |
761 |
निग्रह |
Nigraha |
The Lord Who Keeps Every Thing Within Himself |
762 |
व्यग्र |
Vyagra |
The Lord Who is Ever Engaged in Fulfilling the
Devotee’s Desires |
763 |
नैकशृङ्ग |
Naikashringa |
The Lord Who has Several Horns |
764 |
गदाग्रज |
Gadagraja |
The Lord Who is Invoked Through Mantra |
765 |
चतुर्मूर्ति |
Chaturmurti |
The Lord Who has Four Forms |
766 |
चतुर्बाहु |
Chaturbahu |
The Lord Who has Four Arms |
767 |
चतुर्व्यूह |
Chaturvyooha |
The Lord Who Expresses Himself as the Dynamic
Centre in the Four Vyoohas |
768 |
चतुर्गति |
Chaturgati |
The Ultimate Goal of All Four Varnas and Asramas |
769 |
चतुरात्मा |
Chaturatma |
The Lord Who is Clear Minded |
770 |
चतुर्भाव |
Chaturbhava |
The Source of the Four Purushartas |
771 |
चतुर्वेदवित् |
Chaturvedavit |
The Knower of Four Vedas |
772 |
एकपात् |
Ekapaat |
The Lord of One Foot |
773 |
समावर्त |
Samavarta |
The Lord Who is the Skillfull Turner |
774 |
अनिवृत्तात्मा |
Anivrittatma |
The Lord Who is Always Available Everywhere |
775 |
दुर्जय |
Durjaya |
The Unconquered |
776 |
दुरतिक्रम |
Duratikrama |
The Lord Whose Orders Can Never be Disobeyed |
777 |
दुर्लभ |
Durlabha |
The Lord Who Obtained with Effort |
778 |
दुर्गम |
Durgama |
The Lord Who is Realised with Great Effort |
779 |
दुर्ग |
Durga |
The Lord Who is Not Easily Attained |
780 |
दुरावासा |
Duravasa |
The Lord Who can be Kept |
781 |
दुरारिहा |
Durariha |
The Slayer of the Demons |
782 |
शुभाङ्ग |
shubhanga |
The One with Enchanting Limbs |
783 |
लोकसारङ्ग |
Lokasaranga |
The Lord Who Understands the Essence of the World |
784 |
सुतन्तु |
Sutantu |
The Lord Who has Expanded this Universe Starting
From Himself |
785 |
तन्तुवर्धन |
Tantuvardhana |
The Lord Who Broadens the World |
786 |
इन्द्रकर्मा |
Indrakarma |
The Lord Who Resembling Indra in his Glorious
Actions |
787 |
महाकर्मा |
Mahakarma |
The Lord Who Accomplishes Great Acts |
788 |
कृतकर्मा |
Kritakarma |
The Lord Who has Fulfilled His Acts |
789 |
कृतागम |
Kritagama |
The Author of Vedas |
790 |
उद्भव |
Udbhava |
The Lord Who Attains Great Births |
791 |
सुन्दर |
Sundara |
The Lord Who is the Epitome of Beauty |
792 |
सुन्द |
Sunda |
The Lord of Great Mercy |
793 |
रत्ननाभ |
Ratna-nabha |
The Lord Who has a Beautiful Navel |
794 |
सुलोचन |
Sulochana |
The Lord Who has the Most Enchanting Eyes |
795 |
अर्क |
Arka |
The Lord Who is Suitable to be Worshipped by All
Great Gods |
796 |
वाजसन |
Vaajasana |
The Giver of Food |
797 |
शृङ्गी |
Shringi |
The Lord Who was Born as a Fish with Horn |
798 |
जयन्त |
Jayanta |
The Conqueror of All Enemies |
799 |
सर्वविज्जयी |
Sarvavijjayi |
The Lord Who is at Once Omniscient and Victorious |
800 |
सुवर्णबिन्दु |
Suvarnabindu |
The Lord Who has Limbs Radiant Like Gold |
801 |
अक्षोभ्य |
Akshobhya |
The Lord Who is Ever Unruffled |
802 |
सर्ववागीश्वरेश्वर |
Sarva vageeshvareshwara |
The One Who is the Chief Among Gods Who Speak |
803 |
महाह्रद |
Mahahrida |
The Lord Whose Heart is Full of the Eternal
Water of Happiness |
804 |
महागर्त |
Mahagarta |
The Great Chasm |
805 |
महाभूत |
Mahabhoota |
The Lord Who is the Great Being |
806 |
महानिधि |
Mahanidhi |
The Lord in Whom All Wealth is Saved |
807 |
कुमुद |
Kumuda |
The Lord Who Makes the Earth Happy |
808 |
कुन्दर |
Kundara |
The Lord Who Recognizes Results of Good Deeds |
809 |
कुन्द |
Kunda |
The Lord Who is as Attractive as Kunda (Jasmine)
Flowers |
810 |
पर्जन्य |
Parjanya |
The Lord Who is Similar to Rain-Bearing Clouds |
811 |
पावन |
Paavana |
The One Who Ever Purifies |
812 |
अनिल |
Anila |
The Lord Who Never Slips |
813 |
अमृतांश |
Amritamsha |
The Drinker of Nectar |
814 |
अमृतवपु |
Amritavapu |
The Lord Whose Form is Immortal |
815 |
सर्वज्ञ |
Sarvagya |
The Lord Who is Omniscient |
816 |
सर्वतोमुख |
Sarvatomukha |
The Lord Who has Faces Everywhere |
817 |
सुलभ |
Sulabha |
The Lord Who can be Easily Attained |
818 |
सुव्रत |
Suvrata |
The Lord Who has Accepts Good Vows |
819 |
सिद्ध |
Siddha |
The Lord Who is Perfection |
820 |
शत्रुजित |
Shatrujita |
The Lord Who is Ever Victorious Over Foes |
821 |
शत्रुतापन |
Shatrutapana |
The Lord Who Makes his Enemies Suffer |
822 |
न्यग्रोध |
Nyagrodha |
The Lord is Above All Beings in the Worlds |
823 |
उदुम्बर |
Udumbara |
Nourishment of All Living Creatures |
824 |
अश्वत्थ |
Ashwattha |
The Impermanent Tree |
825 |
चाणूरान्ध्रनिषूदन |
Chanoorandhranishoodana |
The Slayer of Chanura Demon |
826 |
सहस्रार्चि |
Sahasrarchi |
The Lord Who has Thousands of Rays |
827 |
सप्तजिह्व |
Saptajihva |
The Lord Who Expresses Himself as the Seven
Tongues of Fire |
828 |
सप्तैधा |
Saptaidha |
The Lord Who has Seven Flames |
829 |
सप्तवाहन |
Saptavahana |
The Lord Who has a Vehicle of Seven Horses |
830 |
अमूर्ति |
Amoorti |
The Lord Who Does Not Have Shape |
831 |
अनघ |
Anagha |
The Lord Who is Sinless |
832 |
अचिन्त्य |
Achintya |
The Inconceivable |
833 |
भयकृत |
Bhayakrit |
The Lord Who Creates Fear in Bad People |
834 |
भयनाशन |
Bhayanashana |
The Lord Who Destroys Fear in Good People |
835 |
अणु |
Anu |
The Lord Who is Subtle and Minute |
836 |
बृहत |
Brihata |
The Lord Who is Extremely Big |
837 |
कृश |
Krisha |
The Lord Who is Slender |
838 |
स्थूल |
Sthoola |
The Lord Who is Stout |
839 |
गुणभृत |
Gunabhrita |
The Bearer of Attributes |
840 |
निर्गुण |
Nirguna |
The Lord Who does not have Any Properties |
841 |
महान् |
Mahaan |
The Mighty |
842 |
अधृत |
Adhrita |
The Lord Who is not Carried by Anything |
843 |
स्वधृत |
Svadhrita |
The Lord Who Carries Himself |
844 |
स्वास्य |
Svaasya |
The Lord Who has a Beautiful Face |
845 |
प्राग्वंश |
Pragvamsha |
The Lord Who Belongs to the First Dynasty |
846 |
वंशवर्धन |
Vamshavardhana |
The Lord Who Makes Dynasties Grow |
847 |
भारभृत् |
Bharabrit |
The Lord Who Carries the Load of the Universe |
848 |
कथित |
Kathita |
The Lord Who is Glorified in All Scriptures |
849 |
योगी |
Yogi |
The Lord Who can be Realised Through Yoga |
850 |
योगीश |
Yogisha |
The Lord Who is the Greatest Among Yogis |
851 |
सर्वकामद |
Sarvakamada |
The Lord Who Fulfills All Desires |
852 |
आश्रम |
Ashrama |
The Lord Who is the Place Where Beings can Relax |
853 |
श्रमण |
Shramana |
The Lord Who Gives Sorrow to Sinners |
854 |
क्षाम |
Kshaama |
The Lord Who Destroys Everything During Deluge |
855 |
सुपर्ण |
Suparna |
The Lord Who is Having Vedas as Leaves |
856 |
वायुवाहन |
Vayu Vahana |
The Lord Who Makes Winds Move |
857 |
धनुर्धर |
Dhanurdhara |
The Wielder of the Bow |
858 |
धनुर्वेद |
Dhanurveda |
The Lord Who Knows the Science of Archery |
859 |
दण्ड |
Danda |
The Lord Who Punishes the Wicked |
860 |
दमयिता |
Damayita |
The Lord Who Controls and Rules People |
861 |
दम |
Dama |
The Lord Who is Also the Patience When Being
Ruled |
862 |
अपराजित |
Aparajita |
The Lord Who Cannot be Defeated |
863 |
सर्वसह |
Sarvasaha |
The One That Tolerates All |
864 |
नियन्ता |
Niyanta |
The Lord Who Makes People Obey Pules |
865 |
अनियम |
Aniyama |
The Lord Who is not Subject to Any Rules |
866 |
अयम |
Ayama |
The Lord Who is Deathless |
867 |
सत्त्ववान् |
Sattvavaan |
The Lord Who is Full of Exploits and Courage |
868 |
सात्त्विक |
Sattvika |
The Lord Who is Full of Satvic Qualities |
869 |
सत्य |
Satya |
The Lord Who is Truth |
870 |
सत्यधर्मपरायण |
Satyadharma parayana |
The One Who is Devoted to Truth and Dharma |
871 |
अभिप्राय |
Abhipraya |
The One Who is Approached by Seekers of Salvation |
872 |
प्रियार्ह |
Priyarha |
The One Who Deserves All our Love |
873 |
अर्ह |
Arha |
The One Who s Most Appropriate for Worship |
874 |
प्रियकृत् |
Priyakrit |
The Fulfiller of Desires |
875 |
प्रीतिवर्धन |
Preetivardhana |
The One Who Increases Joy in the Devotee’s Heart |
876 |
विहायसगति |
Vihaayasagati |
The One Who Travels in Space |
877 |
ज्योति |
Jyoti |
The One Who is Self-Effulgent |
878 |
सुरुचि |
Suruchi |
The One Who Shines Beautifully |
879 |
हुतभुक |
Hutabhuka |
The One Who Enjoys All that is Offered in Yajna |
880 |
विभु |
Vibhu |
All-Pervading Lord |
881 |
रवि |
Ravi |
The One Who Dries up Everything |
882 |
विरोचन |
Virochana |
The One Who Shines in Different Forms |
883 |
सूर्य |
Surya |
The One Source From Where Everything is Born |
884 |
सविता |
Savita |
The One Who Brings Forth the Universe from
Himself |
885 |
रविलोचन |
Ravilochana |
The One Who has the Sun for His Eyes |
886 |
अनन्त |
Ananta |
The One Who is Endless |
887 |
हुतभुक |
Hutabhuka |
The One Who Accepts Oblations |
888 |
भोक्ता |
Bhokta |
The One Who is the Consumer of Nature |
889 |
सुखद |
Sukhada |
The Giver of Bliss to those Who are Liberated |
890 |
नैकज |
Naikaja |
The One Who is Born Many Times |
891 |
अग्रज |
Agraja |
The One Who is First-Born |
892 |
अनिर्विण्ण |
Anirvinna |
The One Who Feels No Disappointment |
893 |
सदामर्षी |
Sadamarshee |
The Lord Who Forgives the Mistakes Committed by
His Devotees |
894 |
लोकाधिष्ठानाम् |
Lokadhishthanam |
The One Who is the Basis of the World |
895 |
अद्भूत |
Adbhuta |
The One Who is the Wonder |
896 |
सनात् |
Sanat |
The Lord Who is the Beginningless and Endless
Factor |
897 |
सनातनतम |
Sanatanatama |
The One Who is Most Ancient |
898 |
कपिल |
Kapila |
The Great Sage Kapila |
899 |
कपि |
Kapi |
The One Who is the Sun |
900 |
अव्यय |
Avyaya |
The One in Whom All Disappear During the Deluge |
901 |
स्वस्तिद |
Svastida |
The Lord Who Gives All Good Things to His
Devotees |
902 |
स्वस्तिकृत् |
Svastikrit |
The Lord Who does Good |
903 |
स्वस्ति |
Svasti |
The Lord Who is the Source of All Auspiciouness |
904 |
स्वस्तिभुक |
Svastibhuka |
The Lord Who Constantly Enjoys Auspiciousness |
905 |
स्वस्तिदक्षिण |
Svastidakshina |
The Distributor of Auspiciousness |
906 |
अरौद्र |
Araudra |
The Lord Who is Never Cruel |
907 |
कुण्डली |
Kundali |
The Lord Who Wears Shining Ear Globes |
908 |
चक्री |
Chakri |
The Holder of Chakra |
909 |
विक्रमी |
Vikrami |
The Most Daring |
910 |
उर्जितशासन |
Urjita-shasana |
The Lord Who Gives Firm Orders |
911 |
शब्दातिग |
Shabdatiga |
The Lord Who Transcends All Words |
912 |
शब्दसह |
Shabdasaha |
The Lord Who Allows Himself to be Invoked by
Vedic Declarations |
913 |
शिशिर |
Shishira |
The Lord Who is Cool Like Winter |
914 |
शर्वरीकर |
Sharvarikara |
The Creator of Darkness |
915 |
अक्रूर |
Akroora |
The Lord Who is not Cruel |
916 |
पेशल |
Peshala |
The Lord Who is Supremely Soft |
917 |
दक्ष |
Daksha |
The Lord Who is Clever |
918 |
दक्षिण |
Dakshina |
The Most Liberal |
919 |
क्षमिणां वर |
Kshaminamvara |
The One with the Greatest of Forgiving Powers |
920 |
विद्वत्तम |
Vidvattama |
The Lord Who has the Greatest Wisdom |
921 |
वीतभय |
Veetabhaya |
The Lord Who has No Fear |
922 |
पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तन |
Punya-shravana-keertana |
The Lord Who Increases Boons to Those Who Sing
About Him |
923 |
उत्तारण |
Uttarana |
The Lord Who Lifts Us Out of the Ocean of Change |
924 |
दुष्कृतिहा |
Dushkritiha |
The Destroyer of Bad Actions |
925 |
पुण्य |
Punya |
The Lord Who is Supremely Pure |
926 |
दुःस्वप्ननाशन |
Duh-svapna-nashana |
The Lord Who Destroys All Bad Dreams |
927 |
वीरहा |
Veeraha |
The Slayer of the Valiant Foes |
928 |
रक्षण |
Rakshana |
The Protector of the Universe |
929 |
सन्त |
Santa |
The Lord Who is Expressed Through Saintly Men |
930 |
जीवन |
Jeevana |
The Life Spark in All Creatures |
931 |
पर्यवस्थित |
Paryavasthita |
The Lord Who Dwells Everywhere |
932 |
अनन्तरूप |
Anantaroopa |
The Lord Who has Countless Forms |
933 |
अनन्तश्री |
Anantashree |
The Lord Full of Infinite Glories |
934 |
जितमन्यु |
Jitamanyu |
The Lord Who has won over anger |
935 |
भयापह |
Bhayapaha |
The Lord Who Destroys All Fears |
936 |
चतुरश्र |
Chaturashra |
The Lord Who Deals Squarely |
937 |
गभीरात्म |
Gabhiratma |
The Lord of Deep and Profound Nature |
938 |
विदिश |
Vidisha |
The Lord Who is Unique in His Giving |
939 |
व्यादिश |
Vyaadisha |
The Lord Who is Unique in His Commanding Power |
940 |
दिश |
Disha |
The Lord Who Advises and Gives Knowledge |
941 |
अनादि |
Anadi |
The Lord Who has No Beginning |
942 |
भुवोभुव |
Bhuvo-bhuva |
The One Who Exists in Himself Without Any Other
Support |
943 |
लक्ष्मी |
Lakshmi |
The Lord Who is the Abode of All Wealth |
944 |
सुवीर |
Suveera |
The Lord Who Moves with Great and Divine Glories |
945 |
रुचिराङ्गद |
Ruchirangada |
The Lord Who Wears Resplendent Shoulder Caps |
946 |
जनन |
Janana |
The Lord Who Delivers All Living Creatures |
947 |
जनजन्मादि |
Jana-janmadi |
The One Who is the Cause of the Birth of All
Creatures |
948 |
भीम |
Bheema |
The One Who is of Fearful Form |
949 |
भीमपराक्रम |
Bheema-parakrama |
The Oen Whose Prowess is Fearful to His Enemies |
950 |
आधारनिलय |
Adharanilaya |
The Lord Who is the Fundamental Sustainer |
951 |
अधाता |
Adhata |
The One Who has No Authority Above Him to Give
Him Directions |
952 |
पुष्पहास |
Pushpahasa |
The Lord Who Opens Like a Flower at the Time of
Primal Creation |
953 |
प्रजागर |
Prajagara |
The Lord Who is Always Awake |
954 |
ऊर्ध्वग |
Urdhvaga |
The Lord Who is on Top of Everything |
955 |
सद्पथाचार |
Sadpathachara |
The Lord Who Moves Only in the Path of Truth |
956 |
प्राणद |
Pranada |
The Lord Who Gives Life to the Physical Body |
957 |
प्रणव |
Pranava |
The Lord Who is Omkara Which Denotes the Supreme
Truth |
958 |
पण |
Pana |
The Supreme Universal Manager |
959 |
प्रमाणम् |
Pramanam |
The Lord Who is the Basis of All Scriptures |
960 |
प्राणनिलय |
Prananilaya |
The Lord in Whom All Life Exists |
961 |
प्राणभृत् |
Pranabhrit |
The Lord Who Controls and Rules All Activities
of Life |
962 |
प्राणजीवन |
Pranajeevana |
The Lord Who Gives the Breath of Life to the
Living Creatures |
963 |
तत्त्वं |
Tattvam |
The Lord Who is the Real and Only Truth |
964 |
तत्त्ववित् |
Tattvavit |
The Lord Who Manifests as the Knowledge of the
Supreme Truth |
965 |
एकात्मा |
Ekatma |
The Lord Who is the One and Only One Soul |
966 |
जन्ममृत्युजरातिग |
Janma-mrityu-jaratiga |
The Lord Who has No Birth, No Death and is Not
Affected by Time |
967 |
भूर्भुव:स्वस्तरु |
Bhoor-bhuvah-swastaru |
The Lord Who Nourishes the Tree (of Bhoo, Bhuvah
and sva) of Life |
968 |
तार |
Taara |
The Lord Who Helps to Get Across the Ocean of
Life |
969 |
सविता |
Savita |
The Father of the Universe |
970 |
प्रपितामह |
Prapitamaha |
The Lord Who is the Great Old Grand Father of
the Universe |
971 |
यज्ञ |
Yajna |
The Lord Who has the Form of Sincere and
Peaceful Co-Existence |
972 |
यज्ञपति |
Yajnapati |
The Lord of All Yajnas |
973 |
यज्वा |
Yajva |
The Lord Who Performs Yajna |
974 |
यज्ञाङ्ग |
Yajnanga |
The Lord Whose Limbs are the Things Employed in
Yajna |
975 |
यज्ञवाहन |
Yajnavahana |
The Lord Who Fulfils Yajnas in Complete |
976 |
यज्ञभृत् |
Yajnabhrit |
The Lord Who Accepts Yajna |
977 |
यज्ञकृत् |
Yajnakrit |
The Lord Who Created Yajna |
978 |
यज्ञी |
Yajnee |
The Enjoyer of Yajnas |
979 |
यज्ञभुक |
Yajnabhuka |
The Receiver of All that is Offered |
980 |
यज्ञसाधन |
Yajnasadhana |
The Lord Who Fulfils All Yajnas |
981 |
यज्ञान्तकृत् |
Yajnantakrit |
The Lord Who Performs the Concluding Act of the
Yajna |
982 |
यज्ञगुह्यम् |
Yajnaguhyam |
The Lord Who is the Secret of Yajna |
983 |
अन्नं |
Annam |
The Lord Who is Food |
984 |
अन्नाद |
Annada |
The Lord Who Eats Food |
985 |
आत्मयोनि |
Atmayoni |
The Lord Who has No Cause or Source Except
Himself |
986 |
स्वयंजात |
Svayamjata |
The Lord Who is the Cause of His Own Birth |
987 |
वैखान |
Vaikhana |
The One Who Dug the Earth as a Boar (Varaha) |
988 |
सामगायन |
Samagayana |
The One Who Chants the Sama Veda |
989 |
देवकीनन्दन |
Devakee-nandana |
The Lord Who is the Son of Devaki |
990 |
सृष्टा |
Srishta |
Der eine, der die Welt erschafft. |
991 |
क्षितीश |
Kshiteesha |
Der Herr der Erde. |
992 |
पापनाशन |
Paapa-nashana |
Der Zerstörer aller Sünden. |
993 |
शङ्खभृत् |
Shankha-bhrit |
The Lord Who Carries and Blows the Shell Named
'Panchajanya' |
994 |
नन्दकी |
Nandakee |
The Lord Who Holds the 'Nandaka' Sword |
995 |
चक्री |
Chakri |
The Lord Who Carries the Wheel Called Sudarshana |
996 |
शार्ङ्गधन्वा |
Sharnga-dhanva |
The Lord Who has the Bow Called Saranga |
997 |
गदाधर |
Gadadhara |
The Lord Who has a Mace Called Kaumodaki |
998 |
रथाङ्गपाणि |
Rathangapani |
The Lord Who Keeps the Wheel called Sudarshana
in his Hand |
999 |
अक्षोभ्य |
Akshobhya |
The Lord Who Cannot be Annoyed by Anyone |
1000 |
सर्वप्रहरणायुध |
Sarva-praharanayudha |
The Lord Who has All Implements for All Kinds of
Assault and Fight |